PLEASE HELP!! what were the lincoln douglas debates about?
2010-01-07 16:33:38 UTC
please help i cant find the aswer ANYWHERE!! i need it for my histor project please help
Five answers:
2010-01-07 16:43:11 UTC
The Lincoln Douglas debates were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas (the Little Giant from Illinois) for the open Illinois Senate seat. The main issue discussed in all seven debates was slavery, especially the issue of slavery's expansion into the territories. It was Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act that repealed the Missouri Compromise's ban on slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska, and replaced it with the doctrine of popular sovereignty, which meant that the people of a territory could decide for themselves whether to allow slavery. Lincoln said that popular sovereignty would nationalize and perpetuate slavery. Douglas argued that both Whigs and Democrats believed in popular sovereignty and that the Compromise of 1850 was an example of this. Lincoln said that the national policy was to limit the spread of slavery, and mentioned (both at Jonesboro and later in his Cooper Union Address) the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which banned slavery from a large part of the modern-day Midwest, as an example of this policy.
2010-01-07 16:39:34 UTC
lincoln douglas debates were a series of debates that lincoln challenged douglas to to see who won the senate chair in illinoise. Douglas supported popular soverighnty, and talked about how people should choose what they want(free state or slave state) and that it is their decision. lincoln talked about how he thought slavery was an immoral act. he thought it was worng and that slaves are people too. Douglass apeared more to proslavery people and lincoln appeared to antislavery people more. Douglas ended up winning the debote in the end though.
2010-01-07 16:41:07 UTC
They argue primarily about whether, in Lincoln's words, "a house divided against itself cannot stand" and whether slavery ought to be placed "in the course of ultimate extinction".