Here are my tips.
1) Discover what learning style you have e.g. do one of those learning style quizzes on the internet and then if for example your result is that you're a visual learner then make lots of diagrams and mind maps and things like that. So, revise in the best way for your learning style.
2) What I do next is make a list of the subjects that I am struggling in the most so, number your subjects from the ones you find the most difficult to the ones you find the easiest, and then within these subjects, write down the topics or modules that you need to revise. Also, it helps if you revise for the exams that come first, so that you get all that revision out of the way and then you can concentrate on the remaining exams. Basically, get organised. I like checklists, so it feels as though you are achieving something.
3) Do something active whilst revising - e.g. write down what you're revising or make up a game or song to remember what you are revising.
4) Old exam papers - a good website if you live in the UK - freeexampapers if not, find one on the Internet
5) Pace yourself - don't do ALL your revision in one go - do 30 mins, take a break and then switch topics or do something else.
6) DO NOT PANIC. This will make you forget everything!
7) Reward yourself - set yourself targets so that when you reach these targets you can have a reward like, if you do an hour of revision you can watch an hour of TV, or go out with your friends etc.
8) Get enough sleep, eat well and drink a LOT of water! If you don't drink enough or look after yourself then how are you going to be able to complete all your exams?
Good luck and all the best & sorry for the REALLY long answer, hope everything goes well. xx