Well I personally find it helps when I get someone else to help me - a parent, or if you have siblings ask them to test you. Make revision cards and get them to test you on the information. Can get boring, but you know what they say - practice makes perfect!
Also, making a timetable may help.
So plan each day and make time for other stuff as well as revision so you don’t feel too pressured but at the same time you get it done.
And I find revising in bursts of about 20 minutes is good, not too much and not so much that I get tired and bored and don’t take the information in.
-Use bold bright colours.
-Don’t try and fit everything on one card - it’ll make it seem impossible to learn all of it.
-Use bullet points.
-Draw pictures if it’ll help you.
Or you could also record yourself (on a mobile) etc saying the information you need to learn and then play it back - sounds dumb but you might take the information in better then.
Also stick post-its around the house with stuff you need to learn on them, you won’t be able to get away from it haaa, no but seriously, it’s surprising how much you take in just from that. And if you have some coloured A4 paper, you could write some info on that and stuck it to your bedroom walls so you have kinda posters with info on them and they are always there so even if you aren’t meaning to you’ll get familiar with the info and take it in.
Think about your goals, like what you want in these exams or even what you want from your life and your career and when you really start thinking about it that should be motivation enough to get the revsion done.