By the way, you can't any of this, I'm just trying to give you an idea of how to start it:
Picture this: Your freezer breaks down. The temperature inside the freezer rises. The ice cubes start to melt and turn into liquid. The freezer starts to flood because of all the liquid from the ice cubes. Now, imagine that your freezer is the Earth. What your freezer has just experienced is similar to what happens to the Earth during global warming. Those who believe in global warming warn that it causes a significant rise in temperature in the Earth's atmosphere and oceans, but after doing much research on the topic, I have discovered that the threat of global warming is a bogus one. If the Earth's atmosphere was truly rising in temperature, we would see a significant rise in ice sheets melting, just like the ice cubes melted, but that is not occurring. In saying that global warming is occurring, scientists are just exaggerating that fact.
First of all, ice sheets throughout the world are not significantly melting, though scientists exaggerate the fact that they are. If global warming was true, then a lot of ice sheets would melt and flood nearby countries. There is no evidence this is happening. For example, the West Antarctic Ice Sheet in Antarctica has not started melting. Even NASA scientists have admitted that they exaggerated in saying that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet would melt and saying that the sea level is rising. After thoroughly studying the West Antarctic Ice sheet, scientists and researchers have found no evidence of any significant melting. Those who say global warming is true are merely exaggerating that fact.
Secondly, the temperature on Earth has barely risen. The average world temperature of late is nothing to get people to believe global warming is occurring. Temperature records in the past century indicate that the Earth’s temperature has only gone up about 0.5 degrees Celsius. This small increase in temperature has convinced some scientists that global warming is occurring and to say that man-made pollution is causing it. However, a 0.5 degree Celsius rise in temperature, according to many scientists, as I'm sure you'll agree, is not a significant amount over a hundred year time span. So there is absolutely no reason to panic. Therefore, because scientists exaggerate the rise in the Earth’s temperature, the world must not be getting warmer.
Lastly, mostly all who say global warming is occurring say humans cause global warming, but they are exaggerating. Global warming believers claim that carbon dioxide is a major contributor to the rise in the Earth’s temperature. Those scientists say that human activities put most of the carbon dioxide in the air. In fact, only three percent of all the carbon dioxide in the air is generated by humans. If global warming is happening, humans definitely are not a significant cause. Nearly 18,000 scientists signed a petition saying there is completely no evidence that man is causing global warming. Because humans do not contribute a major amount of carbon dioxide in the air, humans cannot be responsible for the occurrence of global warming.
To conclude, global warming is a myth because of several reasons. Firstly, if the Earth was getting warmer, ice sheets would be melting, but they are not melting. Next, the temperature on Earth has barely gone up in 100 years. And, lastly, those who say global warming is a fact say that humans cause it, but they do not. In a meeting in Kyoto, Japan, political leaders got together to attempt to stop global warming. Initially, this appeared to be a noble cause, but sometimes the desire to save the world is just a ruse for the desire to rule it. Sometimes, people stir up fears in order to advance their own cause. For example, people might start up a global warming scare just so they can put the world in panic. Also, just because a majority of the people in the world believe that global warming is true doesn’t make it true. If you remember, back in the 14th or 15th century, everyone on Earth believed the world was flat. Well, it turns out they were all wrong. So just because almost everyone, including many political leaders, believe in global warming is no reason to say it is true. If global warming were truly occurring, there might be harsh consequences, such as floods and deaths, but there is little or no evidence that those are occurring. So the next time you see someone panicking about global warming, you can tell them that global warming is completely just a scare and not to worry. That way, the people of this world will not get fooled being concerned over something false. Instead, they can use more brain cells working on real problems, such as world hunger and a cure for cancer.