Coal has played a major role in electrical production since the first power plants that were built in the United States in the1880's. The earliest power plants used hand fed wood or coal to heat a boiler and produce steam. This steam was used in reciprocating steam engines which turned generators to produce electricity. In 1884, the more efficient high speed steam turbine was developed by British engineer Charles A. Parsons which replaced the use of steam engines to generate electricity. In the 1920s, the pulverized coal firing was developed. This process brought advantages that included a higher combustion temperature, improved thermal efficiency and a lower requirement for excess air for combustion. In the 1940s, the cyclone furnace was developed. This new technology allowed the combustion of poorer grade of coal with less ash production and greater overall efficiency. Presently, coal power is still based on the same methods started over 100 years ago, but improvements in all areas have brought coal power to be the inexpensive power source used so widely today.
Environmental Impacts:
Please Note: - IECG and International Electric hold in dispute many of the commonly held concepts about the environmental impacts of coal fired electrical generation. We believe that the benefits far outweigh any potential negative impacts. IECG and CRPG work with the community and with recognized experts to minimize and eliminate any potential environments hazards such as:
•Coal mining causes severe erosion, resulting in the leaching of toxic chemicals into nearby streams and aquifers, and destroys habitants.
•About two-thirds of sulfur dioxide, one-third of carbon dioxide emissions and one quarter of the nitrogen oxides emissions in the U.S. are produced by coal burning.
•Coal burning also results in the emission of fine particles matter into the atmosphere. Nitrogen oxide and fine airborne particles exacerbate asthma, reduce lung function and cause respiratory diseases and premature death for many thousands of Americans.
•Smog formed by nitrogen oxide and reactive organic gases causes crop, forest and property damage. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides both combine with water in the atmosphere to create acid rain. Acid rain acidifies the soils and water killing off plants, fish, and the animals that depend on them.
•Global warming is mainly caused by carbon dioxide emissions and is responsible for at least half of the warming.
References: - Conclusion ~ne201/1996/ kawka/tech.html - Current technology
http:// starfire. ~ne201/1996/kawka/history.html - History and Background - Coal
http:// www. utilityguide. Com /1common/coal.html - Utility Guide Coal