How are fireflies able to glow?
Heather Shelton As a child I was fascinated by the soft glow of the summer fireflies. I used to chase after their tiny flashing bodies just to see if I could get close enough to one to figure out how they work. What is so engaging about them? Light is such a powerful force in our universe and the idea of an organism being able to create its own light is an incredibly exciting concept. How are t
Category: Biology > Zoology Difficulty: Middle school
What are the effects of PH on the lifespan of tadpoles?
I wanted to know more about the effect of pH on a tadpole's life span. pH is how acidic or basic a liquid is. Does the pH of water in which a tadpole is placed affect its life span? Will neutral water tadpoles live longer then acidic or basic ones? My hypothesis stated that, if one tadpole lives in neutral water and another lives in acidic water, the one in neutral will live longer. I feel th
Category: Biology > Zoology Difficulty: Middle school
What are factors that affect a toad's respiration?
This is an activity which uses frogs or toads to demonstrate scientific method, by measuring the respiration rate, as well as the other external features of the live specimen. The kids enjoy working with the Arizona Toads.
Category: Biology > Zoology Difficulty: Middle school
Do changes in the environment such as temperature and light affect shrimp in their choice of habitats?
In this lab, you will examine the habitat preferences of the brine shrimp, Artemia. You will use controlled experimentation to determine the thermal, pH, and light environments selected by Artemia. Based on your experience with this lab, you will design an experiment that could be used to survey other variables and other organisms.
Category: Biology > Zoology Difficulty: Middle school
How much does a typical student know about endangered species?
We would like to do a survey research project on student knowledge about endangered and extinct animals. Our hypothesis states that the majority of the responses to the factual questions on the questionnaire will be correct.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Do boys react faster than girls?
The purpose of this experiment was to compare the reaction time of seventh grade boys versus seventh grade girls.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Does music affect a child's ability to nap restfully?
The purpose of this experiment was to determine to what degree music affects the nap time behavior (restfulness) of preschool children in childcare.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
How much do students know about extraterrestrial life?
We would like to do a survey research project on what students know and feel about extraterrestrial life. Our hypothesis states that the majority of responses to the factual questions on our questionnaire about extraterrestrial life will be answered correctly.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
How much do students know and feel about prejudice?
We would like to do a survey research project on what students know and feel about prejudice. Our hypothesis states that the majority of the responses to the factual questions on our questionnaire about prejudice will be answered correctly.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Describe how fog forms
It's easy to simulate the formation of radiation fog. All you need are two bottles with a narrow enough neck that you can stick an ice cube into the mouth.
Explain the different types of clouds and how they are formed
The purpose of this module is to introduce a number of cloud classifications, different types of precipitation, and the mechanisms responsible for producing them. The Clouds and Precipitation module has been organized into the following sections:
Category: Earth Science > Meteorology Difficulty: Middle school
Does the level of precipitation differ in various parts of the United States?
We predicted that there would be different amounts of precipitation around the United States during a given month. Further, we felt that there would even be different amounts of precipitation in the different areas of Evanston and Skokie that we live in.
Category: Earth Science > Meteorology Difficulty: Middle school
What is the water cycle?
Precipitation, evaporation, and transpiration are all terms that sound familiar, yet may not mean much to you. They are all part of the water cycle, a complex process that not only gives us water to drink, fish to eat, but also weather patterns that help grow our crops.
Category: Earth Science > Meteorology Difficulty: Middle school
What are anti-bubbles?
An Antibubble is similar to a bubble, but the roles of the water and the air are reversed. This experiment shows you the characteristics of an anti-bubble!
Category: Physics > Forces and Motion Difficulty: Middle school
What is a sink hole? Explain how it is formed and where it is more likely to be found
Sinkholes are common where the rock below the land surface is limestone, carbonate rock, salt beds, or rocks that can naturally be dissolved by ground water circulating through them.
Category: Earth Science > Geology Difficulty: Middle school
Is colored or black & white text more easily remembered?
The purpose of this experiment was to determine if colored versus black and white printed words affects human memory.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Education Learning Difficulty: Middle school
Will doing more homework help students perform better in exams?
The more homework students complete, especially from grades six to twelve, the better they do in school, according to recent research. The research also demonstrates that parental attitudes toward homework play an important role in their children's education.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Education Learning Difficulty: Middle school
How to build an extremely sensitive electroscope for detecting static electricity
This simple circuit can detect the invisible fields of voltage which surround all electrified objects. It acts as an electronic "electroscope."
Category: Physics > Electricity Difficulty: Middle school
How to make a battery using the human body!
In a nutshell, a battery (a device that produces electricity by means of chemical action. A battery consists of one or more units called electric cells. Each cell has all the chemicals and parts needed to produce an electric current.) uses a chemical reaction to produce an electrical current (the movement or flow of electric charges). In this experiment, we will create an electric current using n
Category: Physics > Electricity Difficulty: Middle school
Does the angle at which the Sun's rays fall on a solar cell affect the power that's produced?
I think that if the solar cell is placed perpendicular to the sun's rays, the power going to the cell will be maximized.
Category: Physics > Electricity
How to build a simple electric generator
This is an AC electric generator which is capable of lighting up a tiny incandescent light bulb. The generator is made up of a hollow-ended cardboard box with a nail through the center, many turns of copper wire wound around the box, and four larger magnets clamped around the nail. When the nail and magnets are spun fast by hand, the little light bulb lights up dimly.
Category: Physics > Electricity Difficulty: Middle school
Can water be split into oxygen and hydrogen?
If an electrical current is passed through water between electrodes (the positive and minus poles of a battery), the water is split into its two parts: oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis and is used in industry in many ways, such as making metals like aluminum. If one of the electrodes is a metal, it will become covered or plated with any metal in the solution.
Category: Chemistry > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Analyse the different heat retention capabillities of straw, sand, paper and cloth
The purpose of this experiment was to find out the effect of different types of insulation on heat retention. My hypothesis is that sand will retain more heat than straw, sand, paper, cloth’ batting.
Category: Physics > Heat (Thermodynamics) Difficulty: Middle school
What sort of blade design works best for windmills?
The purpose of this experiment was to determine which windmill blade sizes, shapes, and angles were most efficient at producing an electrical current from a generator.
Category: Engineering > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Which types of film are most tolerant to light?
The purpose of this experiment is to determine what film speed is most tolerant to light out of three speeds of film. (100, 400, 1600 speed film)
Category: Engineering > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
Do sound barriers reduce noise? If so, what types of barrier is most effective?
The purpose of this experiment was to determine if a sound barrier does reduce noise, and which type of barrier is the most effective in reducing highway traffic noise.
Category: Engineering > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
How to build your own hovercraft
So you want your very own hovercraft. Well once again, Reeko is here to help. Of course it's only big enough to hold a mouse (maybe two if the first one scrunches down real low) but hey, we're not old enough for a driver's license anyway...
Category: Engineering > Miscellaneous Difficulty: Middle school
How do Increased CO2 Levels Affect Plant Growth?
The problem with increased CO2 is its affect on global warming. CO2 is not a pollutant but it does trap infrared heat from radiating back into space. This phenomenon is known as the greenhouse effect. This global warming then affects global ecosystems by having effects on water vapor and other climate features. If CO2 levels continue to rise, the results to the planet are difficult to gauge. Som
Category: Chemistry > Environmental Pollution Difficulty: Middle school
How much do students know about pollution?
We would like to do a survey research project to find out what students know and feel about air pollution. Our hypothesis states that the majority of the responses to the factual questions about air pollution on the questionnaire will be answered correctly.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Education Learning Difficulty: Middle school
How much do students know about deforestation?
We would like to do a survey research project on what students know and feel about deforestation? Our hypothesis states that the majority of responses to the factual questions about deforestation on our questionnaire will be correct.
Category: Biology > Human psychology > Education Learning