writ a program that prompts the user to input a string and output the string in uppercase letters?
2007-12-01 00:50:44 UTC
writ aprogram in c++ and use dynamic arrays
Three answers:
2007-12-01 01:00:54 UTC
forgotten how to do this but i would take the ascii code for the inputted letter and add the difference to make it equate to the capital code then print and loop back for the number of characters counted at the input
2007-12-01 01:55:41 UTC
I can only give you the method. Dont know much about C++.

Just take the ascii value then check if it is between 'a' to 'z'. Then subtract 32 from it. If it is in hex then you can mask with 0x20.
Hrithiks fan
2007-12-01 01:17:57 UTC

This program encodes and decodes text strings using a cipher that

can be specified by the user.



public class Cipher


public static void printID()


// output program ID

System.out.println ("*********************");

System.out.println ("* Cipher *");

System.out.println ("* *");

System.out.println ("* *");

System.out.println ("* *");

System.out.println ("* CS 181-03 *");

System.out.println ("*********************");


public static void printMenu()


// output menu

System.out.println("\n\n****************************" +

"\n* 1. Set cipher code. *" +

"\n* 2. Encode text. *" +

"\n* 3. Decode coded text. *" +

"\n* 4. Exit the program *" +



public static String getText(BufferedReader input, String prompt)

throws IOException


// prompt the user and get their response


return input.readLine();


public static int getInteger(BufferedReader input, String prompt)

throws IOException


// prompt and get response from user

String text = getText(input, prompt);

// convert it to an integer

return (new Integer(text).intValue());


public static String encode(String original, int offset)


// declare constants

final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z

String encoded = ""; // base for string to return

char letter; // letter being processed

// convert message to upper case

original = original.toUpperCase();

// process each character of the message

for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)


// get the letter and determine whether or not to

// add the cipher value

letter = original.charAt(index);

if (letter >='A' && letter <= 'Z')


// is A-Z, so add offset

// determine whether result will be out of A-Z range

if ((letter + offset) > 'Z') // need to wrap around to 'A'

letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);


if ((letter + offset) < ') // need to wrap around to 'Z'

letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE + offset);


letter = (char) (letter + offset);


// build encoded message string

encoded = encoded + letter;


return encoded;


public static String decode(String original, int offset)


// declare constants

final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // used to wrap around A-Z

String decoded = ""; // base for string to return

char letter; // letter being processed

// make original message upper case

original = original.toUpperCase();

// process each letter of message

for (int index = 0; index < original.length(); index++)


// get letter and determine whether to subtract cipher value

letter = original.charAt(index);

if (letter >= 'A' && letter <= 'Z')


// is A-Z, so subtract cipher value

// determine whether result will be out of A-Z range

if ((letter - offset) < 'A') // wrap around to 'Z'

letter = (char)(letter + ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);


if ((letter - offset) > 'Z') // wrap around to 'A'

letter = (char)(letter - ALPHABET_SIZE - offset);


letter = (char) (letter - offset);


// build decoded message

decoded = decoded + letter;


return decoded;


// main controls flow throughout the program, presenting a

// menu of options the user.

public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException


// declare constants

final String PROMPT_CHOICE = "Enter your choice: ";

final String PROMPT_VALID = "\nYou must enter a number between 1" +

" and 4 to indicate your selection.\n";

final String PROMPT_CIPHER = "\nEnter the offset value for a caesar " +

"cipher: ";

final String PROMPT_ENCODE = "\nEnter the text to encode: ";

final String PROMPT_DECODE = "\nEnter the text to decode: ";

final String SET_STR = "1"; // selection of 1 at main menu

final String ENCODE_STR = "2"; // selection of 2 at main menu

final String DECODE_STR = "3"; // selection of 3 at main menu

final String EXIT_STR = "4"; // selection of 4 at main menu

final int SET = 1; // menu choice 1

final int ENCODE = 2; // menu choice 2

final int DECODE =3; // menu choice 4

final int EXIT = 4; // menu choice 3

final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 26; // number of elements in alphabet

// declare variables

boolean finished = false; // whether or not to exit program

String text; // input string read from keyboard

int choice; // menu choice selected

int offset = 0; // caesar cipher offset

// declare and instantiate input objects

InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(;

BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(reader);

// Display program identification


// until the user selects the exit option, display the menu

// and respond to the choice



// Display menu of options


// Prompt user for an option and read input

text = getText(input, PROMPT_CHOICE);

// While selection is not valid, prompt for correct info

while (!text.equals(SET_STR) && !text.equals(ENCODE_STR) &&

!text.equals(EXIT_STR) && !text.equals(DECODE_STR))


text = getText(input, PROMPT_VALID + PROMPT_CHOICE);


// convert choice to an integer

choice = new Integer(text).intValue();

// respond to the choice selected



case SET:

// get the cipher value from the user and constrain to

// -25..0..25

offset = getInteger(input, PROMPT_CIPHER);

offset %= ALPHABET_SIZE;


case ENCODE:

// get message to encode from user, and encode it using

// the current cipher value

text = getText(input, PROMPT_ENCODE);

text = encode(text, offset);

System.out.println("Encoded text is: " + text);


case DECODE:

// get message to decode from user, and decode it using

// the current cipher value

text = getText(input, PROMPT_DECODE);

text = decode(text, offset);

System.out.println("Decoded text is: " + text);


case EXIT:

// set exit flag to true

finished = true ;


} // end of switch on choice

} while (!finished); // end of outer do loop

// Thank user

System.out.println("Thank you for using Cipher for all your" +

" code breaking and code making needs.");



This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.