2008-05-06 11:59:37 UTC
Question 1:
1: Which Figure is a regular tetrahedron?
Question 2:
2: Which Figure is a prism with 6 faces that are parallelograms?
Question 3:
3: Which Figure is a pyramid?
Question 4:
4: Which Figure is a regular polyhedron with six square faces?
Question 5:
5: Which Figure is a right cone?
Question 6:
6: Which Figure is a regular polyhedron with 8 equilateral triangular faces?
Question 7:
7: True or False. The solid in Figure E is a polyhedron.
Question 8:
8: True or False. A regular polyhedron is a polyhedron with faces that are congruent squares.
Question 9:
9: True or False. The faces of a pyramid meet at a point called the apex.
Question 10:
10: True or False. A 3-D coordinate system has an x, y, and z axes.