homework help please?
2008-06-08 10:41:49 UTC
i have to write about how camels adapt to their surroundings
science hw btw
and we have to do this thing called deal
what would i write for apply
Four answers:
gayle g
2008-06-08 11:44:19 UTC
here is a internet article with all the characterics of a camel and how it has adapted to it's desert life.

I think the precaution, and protection and resistance paragraphs would be your answer to apply.

The exclusively specific characteristic of the camel is its body structure, which is not effected even by the most severe conditions. Its body has such features that it can survive for days without any water and food, and can travel with a load of hundreds of kilograms on its back for days.

Many characteristics of the camel, which you will learn in detail in the following pages, prove that this animal is created particularly for dry climate conditions, and given to the service of mankind.


The feet are comprised of two toes joined with an elastic pad. This structure which enables the animal to firmly grasp the earth is consisted of four fatty balls. It is totally convenient for all kinds of land conditions.

The toenails protect the feet from potential damages resulting from a bump.

Knees are covered with callus which is composed of skin as hard and thick as a horn. When the animal lays down on hot sands, this calloused structure protects the animal from being injured by the extremely hot ground.


The hump of the camel, in the form of a mass of fats, provides nutriment to the animal periodically in times of starvation. With this system, this animal can live for 3 weeks without water, whilst it looses 33% of its weight. Under the same circumstances, a human being would lose 8% of his weight and die within 36 hours, completely loosing the water in his body.


This fur consists of thick and matted hairs that do not only protect the body of the animal against freezing and burning weather conditions, but also eliminate the water loss of the body. The Dromedary camel can delay the perspiration by increasing its body temperature up to 41C. By this way, it prevents water loss.

With its thick fur, camels in Asia can survive high temperatures rising up to +50C in summer and falling down to -50C in winter.


Eye lashes have an interlocking system. In case of danger, they are automatically shut. The interlocking eyelashes do not let any dust particle to enter the eyes of the animal.

The Nose and the ears are covered with long hairs to protect the animal from sand and dust.

Its long neck enables the animal to reach and feed on the leaves, 3 meters high from the ground.


The Dromedory camels can resist temperatures of -52C in the highest vales of Middle Asia.


Camels can live without any food and water for 8 days at a heat of 50C. During this period, it looses 22% of its total body weight. While a man will be near death if he loses body water equal to about 12 percent of his body weight, a lean camel can survive a body water equal to 40 percent of its body weight. Another reason of its resistance against thirst is a mechanism which enables the camel to increase its internal temperature up to 41C. Thanks to this, the animal keeps water loss at minimum level in the extreme hot climates of the desert daytime. They also can decrease their internal body temperature down to 30C in the cool desert nights.


They can consume up to 130 liters of water almost in 10 minutes which is around one third of their body weight. Besides, camels have a mucus structure in their nose which is 100 times larger than that of the humans’. With its huge and curved nose mucus, camels can hold 66% of the moisture in the air.


Most of the animals die by being poisoned when the accumulated urea in their kidney fuses into the blood. However, camels make maximum use of water and food by passing this urea numerous times through the liver. Both the blood and cell structures of the camel, are specialized in order to enable this animal to survive for long periods of time without water in desert conditions.

Cell walls have a special structure preventing extra water loss. Furthermore, the blood composition is designed so that it does not let any slowing down in the blood circulation even when water level in the camel’s body decreases to the minimum. In addition, the amount of the albumine enzyme which reinforces resistence against thirst, is found in much higher amounts in camel’s blood than the other living things.

Hump is the other supporter to the camel. One fifth of the camel's total body weight is stored as fat in its hump. The storage of the body fat in only one part of the camel's body, prevents the excretion of water from all around its body - which is dependent on fat. This allows the camel to use minimum amount of water.

Although a humped camel can take in 30-50 kilograms of food in a day, in tough conditions, it is able to live for one month with only 2 kg of grass a day. Camels have very strong and rubber-like lips which allow them to eat thorns sharp enough to pierce stout leather. Moreover, it has a four chambered stomach and a very strong digestive system by which it can digest everything it eats. It can even feed on materials like caoutchouc which cannot be looked upon as food. It is obvious enough how precious this quality is in such dry climates.


The eyes of camels have two eyelash layers. The eyelashes interlock like a trap and protect the eyes of the animal from harsh sand storms. In addition, camels can close their nostrils to keep out sand.


The thick and impenetrable hairs on the camel's body prevent scorching sun lights to diffuse into the skin of the animal. These also keep the animal warm in freezing weather. Desert camels are not affected by high temperatures up to 70C, and double-humped camels can survive in very low temperatures down to -50C. These kind of camels can survive even in the high vales, 4.000 meters above the sea level.


Feet of the camels, which are larger in ratio to its legs, are specially "designed" and enlarged to help the animal walk in the sand without being stuck in it. These feet possess spready and puffy qualities. In addition, the special thick skin under the feet soles, is a precaution for the burning desert sand.
2008-06-08 10:50:49 UTC
You could write how the camel applies this?

for instance, the camel keeps the water in his hump for long periods of time in case he cannot get much water in the near future

I hope that helps
2016-10-01 07:56:47 UTC
Homework is a soreness in the ***, in spite of the undeniable fact that it is properly worth it and the end results of no longer doing it are low grades, low self-properly worth, hating college, offended mothers and fathers, and awkwardness around instructors. the purely right element to do is do purely the homework. do no longer attempt to think of, "I shouldn't..." or doubt your self - do purely it! you may desire to be clever approximately it, do the homework it particularly is maximum needed first, circulate away the little issues for final, take primary breaks, no eating mutually as working because it is distracting, NO television till you're thoroughly finished.
2008-06-08 10:51:31 UTC
1-they have large feet

2-that spread out over the sand

3-to stop them sinking

4-which lets them live in sandy conditions

1-they have humps

2-full of fat

3-which stores water in harsh tempretures

4-which lets them live in the desert

1-they have rough tongues that are long

2-that help them eat nasty plants e.g. cacti

3-it means they can eat whatever they find

4- because it is hard to find vegetation in the desert

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