2009-01-28 12:33:14 UTC
1. If the teams have scored an equal number of goals, I’ll win ten dollars. 2. If the contractors have built the house before time, will I have to pay anything more than the original bid? 3. Don’t you know how to play hide-and-seek? Come on, stand here, close your eyes, when you have counted to 10, you can open your eyes and go seeking. 4. When the pastry-cook has decorated the cake, his assistant will put it in the fridge. 5. After the referee has counted to ten the boxer won’t be able to continue the fight. 6. If the boss has signed the papers, the secretary will send them to be posted tomorrow morning. 7. If the students have watched the documentary through, they will easily write the quiz. 8. If you have washed the salad leaves, take the knife and cutting board and cut them. 9. If we have drunk all the milk today, we will have to go to the shop to buy some. 10. If the tour operator carefully has arranged everything beforehand, the tourists will have no problems during the travel. 11. If Jill has finished cooking an hour before the guests arrive, she’ll have time to freshen herself up. 12. If they have planted the currant-bushes by next spring, they will gather in the first harvest in two years’ time. 13. After the university has opened 2 more new faculties, the number of students will significantly increase. 14. If the manager has not prepared a quarterly account by Monday, he will be in serious trouble. 15. If the old man has completely lost his vision, he’ll need a seeing eye dog.
Thank you very-very much.