2010-02-07 18:11:01 UTC
The Constitution works because it has limited power. Without the constitution, America wouldn’t be what it built up to be today. There would most likely be absolute tyranny over the country without the constitution. Things would be very different and the country would seem like a completely different place. The constitution works because of checks and balances, the three branches of government, and because of federalism.
To begin with, the constitution works because of checks and balances. Checks and balances is the system which the framers developed that would limit the power of one branch becoming too powerful. Balances give each branch some role in actions and power of the other branches. Checks give one branch the power to block the proceedings of the other branch. For example, Congress has the power to pass laws, but the President has the power to veto it. As a result, Congress can override the veto by a two-thirds vote in both houses. Then the judicial branch can check the proceedings of the other two branches.
Next, the three branches of government help the constitution to be what it is today. This helps to prevent one branch from becoming more powerful than another. Each branch has their own responsibilities and role in government. The three branches are the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The legislative branch is in charge of making laws for our country. The executive branch of government makes sure that the laws of the United States are obeyed. This is where the president comes in also. Lastly, the judicial branch is made up of the court system. Courts decide arguments about laws, how they are applied, and whether they break the rules of the Constitution or not. The Legislative branch is made up by Congress which includes the House of Representatives and the Senate. The executive branch includes the president and vice president. Lastly, the Judicial Court includes the Supreme Court. Each of these branches are important to the constitution and play a major role.
Lastly, federalism is important to the Constitution. Federalism is the system which the national and state governments share power. The national governments share power with the state governments and are equal in power. For instance, both can borrow money, build schools, and raise taxes. Congress sets the date for elections, but they have to register, and then run the elections. However, the states count the ballots and give it to the national government to organize it and determine who will be the next president.
In conclusion, the constitution works because of checks and balances, the three branches of government, and because of federalism. Without each of these things, America would be out of control and highly unorganized. Each of these three things play a major role in the Constitution. There is a system called checks and balances which limits the power over the three branches. There are three branches which divide three branches with equal power. Lastly, there is federalism, a system that limits the power of government.
Let me know what you think or if it makes sense? Thanks in advance :D