First of all, your grammar and writing skills are far superior to many in this country who consider themselves well-educated. You should be proud of yourself and your teacher. I have made some corrections in [BRACKETS AND CAPS] immediately after the word phrase that needs to be replaced/corrected. If something is to be deleted or added it is [**ANNOTATED WITH STARS AROUND IT AND THE DELETION/ADDITION IN 'SINGLE QUOTES'**] And, as a note, story plots, particularly scripts, are generally done in present tense, not past tense, but have left your story line in past tense.
Story Plot
John was an ordinary worker[EMPLOYEE], a man who loved[LOVES] his family,[**DELETE ','**] [**ADD 'AND'**]living[LIVED] A simple life. Common and contented, he had never asked for more but[THAN] a happy and healthy family. However, the only request[THING] he asked was not permitted by the[**DELETE 'THE'**] God.
One Sunday afternoon when[WHILE] John was watching his son[SON, MICHAEL,] playing[PLAY] baseball, his son, Michael[**DELETE ',MICHAEL'**] fell down in front of him. The hospital told him and his wife, Denise, that Michael suffered from [**ADD 'A'**] serious heart disease and that[**DELETE 'THAT'**] he needed an emergency heart transplant operation. An operation,[**DELETE ','**] which seemed easy, [**ADD 'BUT'**] required massive bills that he could never afford [**ADD 'TO PAY.'**]. The insurance company wasn’t[WAS NOT] willing to pay for it[FOR THE OPERATION]. So[**ADD ','** he tried every means he could conceive [**ADD 'OF'**] to raise money. Though[**DELETE 'THOUGH'" time passed, [**ADD 'HOWEVER,'**] the money he raised was so little that his son even couldn’t[COULDN'T EVEN] get into the waiting list. The image of a dying son and desperate wife was unbearable,[**ADD 'SO'**] John Q,[**DELETE ','**] therefore,[**DELETE ','**] decided to take a risk to save his son.
This great father barricaded himself inside the emergency room and took [**ADD 'THE'**]people there [**ADD 'AS'**]hostages. There were patients among these people[HOSTAGES][**ADD ','**] and [**DELETE 'AND'**] some of them [**DELETE 'OF THEM'**] even needed immediate treatment. John didn’t ignore them[THE PATIENTS] but[AND] asked the doctors in the emergency room to do their best to treat them. They then knew that John wasn’t as bad as they thought and that he was a great father.[**TRY REWRITE -- 'THEY THEN REALIZED JOHN WASN'T BAD, BUT, INSTEAD, A DESPERATE FATHER TRYING TO SAVE HIS SON.'**]
Meanwhile, the police besieged the hospital which[AS IT] was surrounded by news reporter[REPORTERS] and live anchors[NEWS CREWS]. John had to negotiate with the people[POLICE]. He promised he would release [**ADD 'THE'**] hostages on [**ADD 'THE'] condition that the hospital arrange his son to the waiting list[**REWRITE -- 'ARRANGED FOR HIS SON TO BE ADDED TO THE WAITING LIST.'**] The police tried every possible ways[WAY] to cheat him for[AFTER] releasing [**ADD 'THE'**]hostages; and at the same time missioned[COMISSIONED] a sniper to shoot John. Fortunately, the sniper missed his target and John suffered only a light injury. In the meantime, John’s story of saving his son[**ADD EM DASH '--'**) as well as all the situations in the emergency room[**ADD EM DASH '--'**] was [**ADD 'BEING'**] broadcasted[BROADCAST] by TV news to the whole nation.
Watching all the scenes on TV[TELEVISION], the hospital manager was moved and decided to arrange [**ADD 'FOR'**]Michael to [**ADD 'HAVE'**] the operation. She told Denise they would operate on Michael as soon as a feasible[VIABLE] heart was donated[LOCATED]. Denise was happy, but then she started worrying about whether Michael could wait until that [**REWRITE -- 'WAIT THAT LONG.'**] She[DENISE] told John about this. And[ONCE] again, John faced another ambivalence[DILEMMA].
Loving his son, John couldn’t help but decide to give his own heart to Michael. He told everyone in the emergency room [**ADD 'OF'**] his decision and asked the hospital to send[BRING] Michael there. Everyone tried to dissuade him, but turned out to be convinced by John’s faith and love.[**REWRITE -- 'EVERYONE TRIED TO DISSUADE JOHN FROM KILLING HIMSELF, BUT WERE MOVED BY HIS LOVE FOR HIS SON.'**] At the very point[MOMENT] John was going[about] to shoot himself, the hospital [**REWRITE -- 'AT THE VERY MOMENT JOHN WAS ABOUT TO SHOOT HIMSELF, DENISE WAS ABLE TO TELL JOHN THAT THE HOSPITAL HAD'** received the[A] heart which was perfectly comportable[COMPATABLE] to[WITH] Michael. And Denise managed to tell John about this in the last moment.[**DELETE LAST SENTENCE**]
In[AT] the end of the movie, everyone in the emergency room was released safe[UNHARMED]. John saw Michael’s operation succeed; his new heart beat[BEATING] dynamically again. And then, he[JOHN] handcuffed himself and was taken [**ADD 'AWAY'**] by the police. Except for the crime for[OF] captor[TAKING HOSTAGES], he was sentenced[PRONOUNCED] innocence [INNOCENT OF OTHER CHARGES]. Even though he was still put in jail at last, he thought it’s worthy [**REWRITE -- EVEN THOUGH HE WAS PUT IN JAIN, AT LEAST, HE THOUGHT, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT'**]. After all, he had saved his beloved son, Michael.
The main idea of this movie may be the great love of a father, but further, it shows the black side of modern civilizations. The devotion John did[EXPRESSED] as a father can be found easily in the movie. But[HOWEVER,] [**ADD 'EVEN'**] if the great love of a father is a self-evident part of the movie, it is far from the most important, I think. The same kind of situations (even worse ones) can be found easily nowadays everywhere in[ON] the[**DELETE 'THE'**] earth; many people may[COULD] have been John.
But the very fact which exists terribly was [**REWRITE -- 'BUT, THE TERRIBLE FACT STILL EXISTS'**]that “money is more worthy than lives.” Without money, the doctor wouldn’t[WOULD NOT] take any action even though facing a dying person. And how much he[JOHN]could pay decides[DECIDED] how well the surgery doctors operate[PERFORMED]. The old expression, “life is priceless,” becomes ridiculous or even nonsense in modern times. The faith[COMMITMENT] to save people that doctors should have was[IS] replaced by functionalism. And so are the insurance companies and the government institution[AGENCIES].
Does everyone advance through the civilization? Or we just breed some high-knowledged beast?” “John Q.,” perhaps, gives us another chance to think about it profoundly