2008-12-15 17:41:57 UTC
2- the earlier computers were used mainly by scientists for performing millions of complicated calculations.
3- these languages had facilities such as extensive file handling and scheduling of processing.
4- at high level language is a language geared towards solving problems.
5-high level languages are much easier to write than low level languages because the program instructions are similar to instructions written in English.
6- ' high' in the name ' high level language' mean that the language is more problem orientated.
7- BASIC is an ideal language for people who are learning programming.
8- BASIC can be used for writing business and scientific programs.
9- so low level language are seldom used nowadays.
10- machine code is a machine language with instruction in a binary code that can be understood directly by the computer hardware.
11- the main problem with programming in machine language is that codes are very difficult to memorize and having to look them up.
1-nowadays, with the increase in memory size and the low cost, it is possible for managers, secretaries. to all have their own " personal computers".
2- personal computers are microcomputers and are used as standalone computers.
3- IBM ( international business machines) were the first company to build a PC ( personal computer).
4-the Amstrad 1512 and 1640 PCs are very popular with home users because they are not as expensive as IBM PCs.
5- the more expensive IBM PC is used mainly by businesses.
6- for serious users, double disk drives are essential.
7- for file handling , a large backing store is needed.
8- MB stands for a megabyte ( 1 MB = 1024* 1024 bytes)
9- a 20 MB hard disk can store 50 times as much data as a floppy disk hard disk are able to store more data because their recording surface is larger.
10- each side of each individual disk has its own read/write head which means that data from different disks can be transferred at the same time. this makes hard disk drives much faster than floppy disk drives.
11- most PCs have three operating systems to choose from : DOS ( disc operating system) , MSDOS ( microsoft disk operating system ) and GEM ( graphics environment manager).
12- GEM is the operating system that uses a mouse.
13- GEM uses icons which are pictures of the things you can do using this operating system.
14- one advantage of computerized filing is that data on a computer filing system can be searched by item held on the card such as postal code.
15- a database is a series of files stored on a computer which can be accessed in different ways .