princess b
2008-05-07 12:19:45 UTC
A. prepositional phrase
B. appositive phrase
C. participial phrase
D. gerund phrase
15. The seventh-century Pilgrims were the first Europeans {to arrive on Cape Cod.}
A. infinitive phrase
B. absolute phrase
C. prepositional phrase
D. appositive phrase
16. {Leaving their native land to colonize America,} they expected to land in the colony of Virginia.
A. participial phrase
B. gerund phrase
C. infinitive phrase
D. prepositional phrase
17.{ Steering a northerly course,} the captain sailed the ship to the rock coast of New England instead.
A. appositive phrase
B. participal phrase
C. gerund phrase
D. infinitive phrase
18.{ Landing in New England} caused much disappointment among the Pilgrims.
A. infinitive phrase
B. gerund phrase
C. prepositional phrase
D. appositional phrase