2012-04-15 19:48:18 UTC
I made my first 100 on a test the
other day, but I've gone back to my old ways. My teacher never takes a grade on homework, only homework quizzes (to make sure you did all your homework. And they're once every six weeks) and quizzes and tests.
These are my grades so far this six weeks: Every time I look at a math problem I just want to cry (and I do, if I'm at home. If I'm at school my eyes just water up) I'm in jr. High and I cannot fail math. I have ok grades in all my other classes, so it's not like I'm a bad student. I concentrate the most in math and try so, so hard, but when we're taking notes on the new lesson it's all I can do to just keep up with the
writing. By the end of the lesson, I have all these notes but have no idea where to start. Meanwhile, everyone else is already almost finished with their homework. When we're taking a daily quiz, I'm always the last person to turn it in and everyone is waiting
on me so we can start the lesson. I've never NOT been last. I hate it. I hate all of it. I usually get about 5 hours of sleep, 6 if I'm lucky. And it doesn't help that I have math 4th cause by then I just get so tired. So please help me. I don't know what to do anymore. I hate this so much I just wanna give up, but I know I can't. My parents tell me to apply myself but they never listen to me. I'm just a kid who won't go anywhere in life.