dinosaurs.. homework help!!?
2007-03-15 04:10:58 UTC
help!! I need links that can scientifically prove that dinosaurs co-existed with man!! with authors and all that crap... The longer the articles the better!! (max. is 20 pages...)
Seven answers:
2007-03-16 14:44:31 UTC
An article in the January 1993 National Geographic boldly proclaimed: “No human being has ever seen a live dinosaur.” Now, does he know that, or does he think that? There is no way for anyone to know that unless they had at least talked to everyone who has ever lived.

If dinosaurs lived at the same time as man, you would expect to find legends of dinosaurs in history. Why don’t we read stories about men fighting dinosaurs or dinosaurs eating people’s cows and stuff like that? Well, most people are unaware that the word “dinosaur” was not coined until the 1840s by Sir. Richard Owen. So, if these creatures lived alongside humans prior to that time, they were not called dinosaurs. So what were they called? Dragons. Most cultures throughout the world possess ancient stories about dragons and sea monsters that closely resemble what we today would call dinosaurs. Dragon stories have been handed down for generations in most civilizations.

No doubt many of these stories have been exaggerated through the years, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have their original basis in fact. I believe many of the dragon legends are simply distorted versions of dinosaur encounters. As Paul Taylor has said, “Most of the dragon legends are full of exaggeration, magic and marvelous deeds. But this is not true of all of them. Many stories seem rather believable.”

It is true that many of them are mythical or legendary but it is also true that most legends are based on some truth. It cannot be an accident that so many separate peoples of the world tell such stories.

The story of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, and Saint George killing dragons are likely to have been based on at least some fact. These were real men in history.

Dragons are prominent on Chinese pottery, embroidery, carvings, etc. It’s interesting that the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac are all animals—eleven of which are still alive today, but one is the dragon. It doesn’t seem logical that the ancient Chinese, when constructing their zodiac, would include one mythical animal with eleven real animals.

In 1271, Marco Polo (the Italian explorer) reported that on special occasions in China the royal chariot was pulled by dragons. Marco Polo also said that the saw long reptiles in Asia called Lindworms that could easily ran as fast as a horse.

In 1611, we can see that the emperor appointed the post of “Royal Dragon Feeder” which doesn’t make sense if there were no dragons to feed. We also find Ancient Chinese books telling of people using dragon eggs, blood, bones and other parts for medicine.

John of Damascus (an Arab monk in the 8th century) wrote against some of the wild and mythical claims about dragons and said, “I am not telling you, after all, that there are no dragons; dragons exist but they are serpents [reptiles] borne of other serpents. When just born and young, they are small; but when they grow up and mature, they become big and fat so that they exceed the other serpents in length and size. It is said they grow up more than thirty cubits [45 feet]; as for their thickness, they become as thick as a huge log.”

There is a well-known science book from the 16th century by a Swiss naturalist and medical doctor named Conrad Gesner called Historia Animalium. The book claims that dragons were still not extinct in the 1500's, but were extremely rare and relatively small by then.

The American Indian “Thunderbird” stories sound like pterosaurs and even some evolutionists have conceded on that point. Darlene Geis said, “The thunderbird appears in many Indian tales and Indian art work. Its description is very much like one of the prehistoric flying reptiles that flapped its way through the skies in the days of the dinosaurs.”

After Alexander the Great invaded India (356-323 B.C.) he brought back reports of great hissing reptiles the Indians kept in caves. There was one that really frightened his army was estimated by them to be over 100 feet long.

In Isaiah 30:6, Isaiah speaks of flying serpents. I also find it interesting that Herodotus, the Greek Historian who lived around 450 BC wrote about flying serpents in Arabia. He talked about finding their bones and described their snake-like bodies and bat-like wings. And the Jewish historian from the first century, Josephus, wrote about Moses and the Israelites having a difficult time passing through a particular region because of the presence of flying serpents. I think they were speaking of one of the pterosaurs like the pterodactyl, pteranodon, or rhamphorhynchus.

And then there’s all the stories of giant sea serpents and sea monsters. As Dr. Mace Baker said, “For more than a thousand years ancient and medieval mariners often returned from their voyages with frightening tales of encounters with, or sightings of, large and dangerous sea monsters.”

There are hundreds of these types of legends. Evolutionists just say that it’s coincidence that many of them sound like dinosaurs. The World Book Encyclopedia says: “The dragons of legend are strangely like actual creatures that have lived in the past. They are much like the great reptiles [dinosaurs] which inhabited the earth long before man was supposed to have appeared on earth.”

But there is a lot more evidence than that. Keep in mind that it has just been in the last 100 years that we have been putting dinosaur skeletons together to get an idea of what they looked like.

On the walls of the Havai Supai Canyon in Arizona, they’ve found ancient Native American cave art (known as petroglyphs). There are depictions of men and different animals like cattle, sheep, buffalo, oxen, and what looks just like an Edmontosaurus. In the early 1900's when Dr. Samuel Hubbard discovered it, he wrote: “The fact that the animal is upright and balanced on its tail would seem to indicate that the prehistoric artist must have seen it alive.”

In Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah, they’ve also found ancient native American cave art of lots of animals as well. I believe these are attributed to the Anasazi Indians who lived there between approximately the fifth and fourteenth centuries. Even though the rock is quite weathered, if you outline these, you can make out the unmistakable representation any school kid would recognize as a sauropod dinosaur. Scientists accept the mammoth drawings, but not the dinosaur. Francis Barnes, an evolutionist and widely recognized authority on rock art of the American Southwest wrote: “There is a petroglyph in Natural Bridges National Monument that bears a startling resemblance to a dinosaur, specifically a Brontosaurus, with long tail and neck, small head and all.”

On an ancient temple at Angkor, Cambodia (built in the 12th century), there is a pretty clear depiction of a stegosaurus. It is found with other animals like pigs, monkeys, water buffalos, roosters, snakes, etc. I think we can reasonably conclude that these figures depict the animals that were commonly seen by these ancient people. That means only a little over 800 years ago, some dinosaurs were still alive the region of Cambodia.

In the 1940s, near El Toro mountain in Acambaro, Mexico, a German archaeologist named Waldemar Julsrud found many ancient handcrafted ceramic and stone figurines that have been identified with the Pre-classical Chupicuaro Culture (800 BC to 200 AD). Many are typical Aztec figurines, but also a bunch of highly detailed dinosaurs. Many others have been dug up since then and over 30,000 of the figurines have been found from many different sites. In order to prove their authenticity, the owners have had radiocarbon and thermo-luminescence dating methods done on them by Isotopes Incorporated of New Jersey and the University of Pennsylvania. The results certified that the pieces were very old, and gave dates between 4500 and 1100 B.C. Now I don’t have a great deal of confidence in some of the dating methods used today, but they show that these are not recent. Interestingly however, the dating results were later withdrawn when it was learned that some of the figurines depicted dinosaurs. But also to prove their authenticity, they excavated under the house of the Chief of Police, which was built 25 years before Julsrud arrived in Mexico. And sure enough, they found more of them. Another problem for the evolutionists is that some of them are of dinosaurs whose fossils were not even discovered until many years after the Acambaro discovery. Or, had characteristics, like dermal frills on some sauropod dinosaurs, that were not discovered until 1992 (long after the figurines were found.) David Childress says, “Most ‘respectable’ archaeologists will walk around the Acambaro mystery as if it were a land mine. The existence of the figurines threatens the ivory tower of the current paradigm of history.” Many archaeologists today quickly dismiss them as an elaborate hoax—they have to, if they are going to continue to believe the dinosaurs became extinct 65-70 million years ago.

In Ica Peru, there have been over 15,000 Inca burial stones found that clearly depict dinosaurs on about 1/3 of the stones. The type of art form and their location date them to the time of the Inca Culture (500-1500 AD). These stones show scenes of man controlling, killing or being killed by dinosaurs. Now, no doubt some stones have been forged in recent years for profit by the locals, and skeptics quickly point to these reproductions as proof of a hoax. But these stones cannot be so easily dismissed because early Spanish reports tell that some of these unusual stones with the strange animals on them were being asked about by a Jesuit missionary in the early 1500s, and some of them were reported to be brought back to Spain by Conquistadors in 1562. Another problem is that sauropod dermal frills are depicted on them as well, which as I said, were not discovered until 1992. Also, the skin of many of the carved dinosaurs resembled bumpy rosettes. For many years, scientists pointed to this as proof that these stones were not scientifically accurate. However, more recent discoveries of fossilized dinosaur skin have silenced the critics. In more than one report, these bumpy rosettes have been identified and discussed.

On Bishop Bell’s tomb from the 15th century in Carlisle Cathedral, there are brass strips along the sides with animals carved into them. Along with the common animals, there are some with long tails and necks that look an awful lot like sauropod dinosaurs.

There is a Mesopotamian cylinder seal dated around 3300 B.C., an Egyptian slate palatte from around 3100 B.C., and a Roman mosaic from the second century AD, all showing similar long-necked reptiles that again, look like sauropod dinosaurs.

There is a wall painting that was discovered in the “house of the physician” in Pompeii, Rome, which (as you know) was buried by volcanic ash in 79 AD. On it, they say is a hippo and a crocodile. But it certainly doesn’t look like any hippo I’ve ever seen with its long legs, narrow face, and nose that points up a bit; it looks more like one of the large extinct mammals like a coryphodon, toxodon, or entelodon, that are suppose to have lived millions of years ago. And the so called “crocodile” has a high dermal ridge, unlike a crocodile but exactly like certain dinosaurs.

There is a massive Palestrina mosaic (21' x 17') depicting the Nile from Ethiopia to the Mediterranean (Palestrina is an ancient city in Italy). The mosaic is dated to around 100 AD. It contains clear depictions of known animals, but also some that are unknown. Some people try to say that this is just a poorly done crocodile, but there is a crocodile on another part is portrayed perfectly. Besides, the Greek lettering above it is literally translated, “crocodile-leopard” not crocodile. This animal they called a “crocodile-leopard” back then, looks a lot like something we would call a “dinosaur.”

And this is just a small sample. If National Geographic is correct in stating that “no human being has ever seen a live dinosaur,” then where did the models come for all of these? If man and dinosaurs did not coexist, then what logical explanation can be given for the existence of hundreds of dragon legends and hundreds of artifacts that depict these creatures, hundreds of years before modern man began learning about dinosaurs from the fossil record?

This should get you going. Sorry, I'm not going to do your homework for you; you are going to have to look these up yourself.
2007-03-17 10:43:34 UTC
Many people have claimed to have evidence that dinosaurs and humans coexisted. Perhaps the most famous of the so-called "hard evidence" comes from Glen Rose, Texas, near the Paluxy river. Scores of sauropod dinosaur footprint trackways have been found here, but some people claim that the site also contains human footprints alongside those of the dinosaurs!

However, it turns out that several of these alleged human footprints were actually forged, carved into the rock by people who wanted to create evidence for a young Earth.

The rest of these supposed 'human trackways' were in reality the footprints of small, two-legged dinosaurs called theropods. These footprints were somewhat misshapen eroded by the elements, causing them to look somewhat like human footprints.

For more information, you can do a Yahoo search with keywords like 'human tracks Glenrose Texas dinosaurs' or something like that.

HOWEVER, don't accept any of this evidence as fact, because I (as well as many other people) know that most of this material is not understood in the least by the authors who write it, and they almost always fail to check their sources or draw on the expertise of anyone who actually knows a thing or two about the subject matter. I have read a great deal of these such articles, so I can attest to these things.
2007-03-16 20:59:23 UTC
Hate break it to you, but there is no scientific evidence saying man and dinos co-existed. Unless you want to consider birds as highly evolved dinosaurs...but that's another subject. I have personally worked at a number of dinosaur sites, and not one tiny speck of human presence has been found at any of them, or at any site the world over. Before you can say "paleontologists aren't looking hard enough" or "we just haven't found it yet", please consider this: at one particular dig site i worked at, there have been almost 2000 separate fossils excavated, and there is more to be found, but no trace of humans. Humans always leave their mark, whether its tools, camp sites, butching marks, etc, but dinosaurs didn't have tools or camp sites, but we have no trouble finding those.

The links that have been provided (and will be provided) that purport to have 'scientific' evidence, are, frankly, full of crap. The 'science' they claim to use is in no way, shape, or form, science. Science takes facts, observations, etc to create an end statement. Creation 'scientists' create an end statement and find the facts to fit it (they're overly fond of taking statements out of context and using them to their advantage). Science can be debated (debate is highly encouraged), and if something is found to be wrong, or if something is missing, this error or lack of data is rectified, with new research. Creation 'science' is more akin to religious dogma--rigid, inflexible, undebatable, and if one challenges it, they are called a heretic.

Legends of dragons, and mythical creatures like them, are spread across the globe, and one good explaination for this is that ancient cultures were finding dinosaur bones long before they really knew what they were. Imagine finding a T. rex tooth, all 7 inches of it. You would definitely find the need to explain it off somehow. In fact, I believe the words "dinosaur" and "dragon" are the same thing in China.

I'll humor you and say man and dinos co-existed...imagine how difficult life would be for these early humans. No electricity, no fire arms, no Sherman tanks. Many animals that were a whole helluva lot bigger than them, and probably a lot meaner. Early man had a hard time taking out mammoths, and now you're going to ask them to take out a sauropod that could range from 60 feet long to over 100 with nothing more than pointy sticks and rocks?!? Hadrosaurs that lives in huge herds and measured up to 20 feet + long? Theropods that were swift and agile pack hunters or had maws big enough to swallow a man whole? How did man survive???
2007-03-15 04:14:43 UTC
I hate to tell you this, but there is no such proof.

not in any peer reviewed, well respected journals.

dinosaurs never coexisted with man. There were mammals that were alive during the time of the dinosaurs, but not man.
Cracker Barrell
2007-03-15 04:19:28 UTC
Tyranasours Rex is really coool. They have little arms and a big boby.
just browsin
2007-03-15 04:15:25 UTC
2007-03-15 04:34:38 UTC
you might be able to find it/link to it here:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.