you mean, "why do we bother?" haha
layman's philosophy with language is "get to the point" like, when you're speaking. people are so exposed to spoken media that they don't have time to analyze the way things are written. they just want to get to the point.
in writing as an ART, it's not just WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it. because we didn't have TVs and radios to entertain us 500 years ago. no cars either. so we had a lot of time to do ****.
that's why ppl enjoy Shakespeare. he chooses his words carefully and arranges them in an order that's interesting. things like that. he's not just telling a story, not that his stories are bad. but you can look at Harry Potter for a good story too, right?
so it's hard to understand him, but if you take the time to appreciate it, it's some of the best writing out there. that's the point of English class. not to learn grammar, but to appreciate artful expression.