2013-04-02 10:01:18 UTC
Marcus was given a merit when he was caught trying to plagiarize someone else’s work.
A. de-
B. dis-
C. il-
D. un-
2. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “characteristic of” hurry by selecting the correct suffix.
Fred hurried looked through his backpack for his missing paper.
A. -ful
B. -ity
C. -ly
D. -ment
3. What word would you use if you wanted to convey this idea? Something that can be funny.
A. Laughable
B. Laugheous
C. Laughing
D. Laughter
4. What is the Greek or Latin root in the underlined word in the following sentence?
My sister went to a dermatologist to help get rid of her acne when she was a teenager.
A. atol
B. derm
C. gist
D. ologist
5. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “before” warning by selecting the correct prefix.
The US storm warning system helps to warn people of storms so they have a chance to get to safety.
A. fore-
B. pre-
C. trans-
D. under-
6. What is the Greek or Latin root in the underlined word in the following sentence?
You might be allowed to use a dictionary to determine some of the Greek and Latin roots.
A. ary
B. dict
C. ion
D. tion
7. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “not” completed by selecting the correct prefix.
Mary’s knitting came done because she forgot to properly tie it off.
A. il-
B. non-
C. re-
D. un-
8. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “full of” help by selecting the correct suffix.
It’s always help to make sure you have your name on any work you turn in to your teacher.
A. -ed
B. -able
C. -ful
D. -ing
9. Applying what you know about prefixes, roots, and suffixes, what is the probable meaning of the boldfaced word? The brothers had a slight disagreement over chores.
A. The act of coming to agreement.
B. To agree again.
C. To be able to agree with.
D. To not be able to agree.
10. Applying what you know about prefixes, roots, and suffixes, what is the probable meaning of the boldfaced word? The best choice for the countertop is a nonporous material.
A. Able to be poured
B. Full of pores
C. Not having pores
D. One who pours
11. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “without” hope by selecting the correct suffix.
Fred thought finding his paper before his class started was hope since he was sure he left it at home on his desk.
A. -ful
B. -ing
C. -less
D. -s
12. Applying what you know about prefixes, roots, and suffixes, what is the probable meaning of the boldfaced word? We all thought that the work load was unmanageable.
A. Able to be managed.
B. Not able to be managed.
C. One who manages.
D. To manage again.
13. Change the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence to mean “process” of attracting by selecting the correct suffix.
Have you ever wondered what started the saying about there being an attract between p0eople who are opposites?
A. -ed
B. -ing
C. -ion
D. -ive
14. Applying what you know about prefixes, roots, and suffixes, what is the probably meaning of the boldfaced word? The splint will help immobilize your arm.
A. The act of making something able to be moved.
B. The quality of being able to move.
C. To make something not able to be moved.
D. To move something again.
15. Applying what you know about prefixes, roots, and suffixes, what is the probable meaning of the boldfaced word? The sound is inaudible to all but the most sensitive ears.
A. Able to be heard.
B. Device for hearing
C. Not able to be heard.
D. One who hears easily.
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