Guy advice! Need guy advice! Anyone help?
2006-03-18 05:39:24 UTC
Ok I'm in 7th grade and the guy I like is in 8th. Hes shy but really awesome. Everyone thinks he's cool, and hes awesome at everything! He plays sports, and is one of the best players, if not, the best player. Hes also in Band and he plays the trumpet. He is sooo good at it. He's super at math, cause hes on the highschool mathteam!!! Not Jr. High, but Highschool!!! And then he takes an English class up at the highschool also. He missed a lot of classes at the Jr. High, but he manages to finish all his work and get A's and B's. He moved here last year and hes been catching my eye every time we walk by eachother. He blushes every time and looks over his shoulder at me. My mom is his teacher and shes talked about me around him, and he's seemed interested. We are somewhat alike cause Him and I sit there in class and are bored to death cause the teacher has to explain stuff to other kids over and over. Its so annoying. I dont see him often. I want him to know I really like him. Please Help!
Eighteen answers:
2006-03-18 05:42:44 UTC
Just play it cool - go up to him and tell him you think he's cute. He'll probably go bright red, but just smile and ask him if he wants to come over and do some homework or something together.

If he's really shy then you need to make the move or else you may never get together! Good luck! Be Brave!
2006-03-18 05:53:41 UTC
Whoa! Gal surely have found a Mr. Right if he is even 10% what you gush about him. I am on the wrong side of thirty (and right side of 35), but i can advise you that guys, even if he THE One are actually shy and require a lot of nudging from their friends before they actually gather courage to ask a girl out. Now, why dont you ask him, if he can help you in , umm..say English. That would be an opening and at the same time..if he is even 10% NOt interested in you , you are saved from any possible rejection...Have a nice weekend and good luck for Sunday.
2016-03-27 01:39:01 UTC
well for one, id say youve got the better end of the deal being a girl and all, because the guy is pretty much the one that has to really worry about impressing the girl with how he talks and acts. The girls in my opinion have to do less, because there not expected to be the innitiators of anything envolving meeting and talking to the opposite sex. So you should be a little more stress free knowing that its more on him to do that stuff. Though, you can and should if you want to start a convo, why not, there actually are a ton of shy guys out there that are not innitially willing to go out of there way to talk to a girl that they like, so with that in mind go for it. the question of telling a guy (or hinting) that your interested in him is not really my expertise. Because i have the same problem of showing a girl i like them, so. The less you think about it, and the more you just let it happen the more things are going to work. Go with your instincts on what you should do!
2006-03-18 06:03:32 UTC
Knowing what it is like being shy....try first to be comfortable with how you feel....if you are at ease, he will relax and feel comfortable around you = less shy. If you do make the first move...make it I'm going to get a soda after class, do you want to come with me? this way you are letting him know you like him and you are opening the door to a conversation.....but before you start the first move, make sure you've been saying hi to each other at least and don't run off in a fit of giggles if he says hi comfortable and relax...he will too.
unknown girl
2006-03-18 06:10:18 UTC
Go up to him and tell him your feelings about him. You have to be brave,so you won't lose him. Do it quickly! Never lie to him and be yourself! Be cool with him. Don't freak out when he comes close to you. Or ask a friend, you trust, to ask him out for you! Make sure your friend doesn't like him or if she does then make her agree to help you. For more information ask a boy who is close to him about what the guy you like, likes. Or buy some Chicken Soup for the Soul books, or read the free samples from for advice. GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!!
2006-03-18 05:45:41 UTC
Usually, it's best for a GIRL to be a HARD TO GET one. It challenges the guy. And if the girl first shows an interest, the BOY might get discouraged or turn-off.

better be HARD TO GET one, but not that TOO HARD, okay, that the boy would think you really dont like him...

good luck :-)
2006-03-18 05:52:48 UTC
Go to him and tell him...Aren't we so blessed that jesus fully accepted to silently suffer and die crucified so that you and I could get to heaven and be forgiven for all our sins?

Then see how he reacts...If he smiles with joy in his heart, make sure you stick with him. If he does not clearly understand but wants to, explain and then stick with him. If he laugh and walk away, give him an other chance. If he starts making fun of you (which I doubt) walk are obviously making a mistake...
2006-03-18 05:54:28 UTC
i guess u are so close to get him are u observing him or u are working with inspector gadget :)

i guess u have to make the move

and tell him what exactly u feel

and if u he still feel shy tell him that u have something u dont understand in maths ( as u said he is good in that ) and that's it
2006-03-18 05:48:10 UTC
Ok,here it goes...well just flirt around with him and just say to him don't be shy to you...say that you love him and if he say that to you too than it is more thing just don't hang out with other guys too much cause he will hate you and I should know cause I am a guy...
2006-03-18 05:42:08 UTC
If he is intersted into you, too, and he seems to be, you should just ask him for a date. When he loves you, too, he´ll say yes, if know... Don´t be so shy :-)
2006-03-18 08:49:45 UTC
ask him to explain a math problem to you...

Just make him feel great...make him feel smart...and make yourself seem like you really need a good guy like him to care for
2006-03-18 05:41:53 UTC
wow. super guy! go straight up to him and say my friend toldd me u liked me-is that true? if he says yes tell him you feel the same way. keep us posted!
2006-03-18 05:42:49 UTC
I'm 35 years old..... any answer I could give would sound like it came from your father. good luck
2006-03-18 05:44:29 UTC
ohhh, little one. your much too young for it to be that complicated. Just talk to him, ask him if he wants to hang out this weekend.
2006-03-18 05:42:03 UTC
Tell the dude.
2006-03-18 05:40:40 UTC
write him a note
Lord Sesshomaru
2006-03-18 12:06:16 UTC
Just talk to him.
2006-03-18 05:47:06 UTC
GO straight up and tell him how you feel.Good luck!

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