I live in a typical house as all houses around my block with palm trees by the streets, entrance yard surrounded by a fence and a driveway in front of the garage. My house has two bedrooms, one bath, a large garage, a front yard with a small colorful vivid garden and a driveway. We always try to keep my house clean, dishes are always washed, and trash always taken out and the wood floor is always broomed. However, sometimes there’s dust on furniture, TV, on pictures and portraits. In the garage is where my family stores all our material belongings, such as old furniture, TVs, bicycles and clothes that we don’t like or wear. The living room is ample, it has two leather soft brown sofas, a dinner table, a cabinet with a TV on top, two small tables around the large sofa, portrait of a flower and pictures on top of the middle table and paste on the wall. My room which is my favorite part of the house is always neat and clean and smells like Hawaiian breeze because of an air freshener.