2014-06-02 22:13:53 UTC
Both my parents came from rural countries. My father was born and raised in Lahore, Pakistan and my mother was born in Bangladesh, raised in China. Pursuing an education was very tough back then, especially when both the countries were very limited. Although, My father's side of the family had owned a unique restaurant that was in business. My father's parents and his three brothers worked together as a family to support the restaurant. However, Pakistan at the time was conflicting with governmental issues about taxes. From time to time, the government would come inside the restaurant to extort money. Otherwise, the restaurant would temporarily close down or terrorise the people who worked there. Every step of the way, my father's family had to bribe the officials to have any success in the restaurant business. To this day, Pakistan is still the poor country it is that's living off with limited freedom and victimized to terrorism.
One eventful day happened that shifted my father's life. His uncle, who