Good question! lets hope I do it justice. Ok.. youve undoubtably heard that an object at rest tends to STAY at rest untill acted upon by an outside force... lets say.. a marble on the table. This marble, has mass, weight, but no inertia.. its motionless. now.. take and push that marble a bit.. and it begins to roll.. the harder you push ( the more force you transfer to that mass) the faster and farther it will roll. You can place small objects in its path, say a paper clip, and if it has enough MOMENTUM.. force remaining propelling that marble along, it will roll over that clip and continue. If the amount of inertial force, or momentum, is too low, that clip can deflect the marble in another direction, or stop it all together. In a perfect vacuume, that momentum force applied to an object will propell that object in its original course and speed forever... Which brings up the old question about Irresistable forces (objects in motion that cant be stopped) and Immovable objects, (objects that cannot move... ever for any reason) what happens if the two collide??
A more mundane way to look at the effects of momentum would be to pick up a hammer.... now swing it up and down at arms length... can you feel it trying to go a bit higher at the top of the arc? Do you feel it trying to pull out of your hand? that is the momentum of the swing.... or a yo yo... once it spins to the bottom of the string, the momentum generated by your flick of the wrist, (and Gravity) will continue that spinning momentum till it catches on that string again, and starts to climb its way back up... however gravity and friction on both the string and air causes it to lose that momentum, so if you were to just let it fall on its own, it wouldnt have enough momentum generated to climb all the way back up... however when you add that extra force by flipping it downwards.... voila!
Hope that was somewhat helpful in explaining momentum....