2008-07-19 21:22:40 UTC
Hey. So, I'm doing a science project on gunpowder....I was wondering if anyone knew who first made gunpowder? And how it is made?
Bibliography is kinda important in this project so if possible can you PLEASE leave where you got the info. from, or just tell me a site that'll help me?
Thanks soo so so so much!!
62 answers:
Seng Wai
2008-07-19 22:44:05 UTC
The Chinese were the first to make them

Chinese taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. Emperor Wu Di (156-87 B.C.) of the Han dynasty financed research done by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them. The alchemist Wei Boyang wrote the Book of the Kinship of the Three detailing the experiments made by the alchemists.

During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its advantage as a weapon was made clear.

The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.
The Good Nightmare
2008-07-20 17:56:10 UTC
The Chinese:

Warring States and Taoist Alchemists

Taoist alchemists were some of the most important contributors to the invention of Gunpowder. However, many different groups and individuals can be named as contributors to this invention. During the reign of Emperor Wu Di (156-87 B.C.) of the Han dynasty extensive research was done on Eternal life and some of the substances used by the alchemists were sulphur and saltpeter, and as a result many fires were started. Wei Boyang was a famous alchemist that wrote a book called Book of the Kinship of the Three with enormous amount of information. By the 8th century in the mid Tang dynasty, the potentialities of sulphur and saltpeter when combined with charcoal were realized as the alchemists discovered an explosive mixture which was called huoyao or gunpowder.
2008-07-20 04:15:51 UTC
Gunpowder was invented in China not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives, but by alchemists seeking the elixir of immortality. Ancient Chinese alchemists believed that by putting different elements in a big pot and heat it over a long period of time, 50+ years, there's a possibility that they can create an element which can led to immority. Before Gunpowder can be developed, first it was necessary to recognize and obtain the most important of its three ingredients. This is saltpeter, the chemical name for which is potassium nitrate. It generally forms natural deposits only in hot climates there is a considerable shortagte of it in Europe. Long before anyone had any idea that saltpeter could be used as an ingredient of the then still unknown gunpowder mixture, it was prized for its ability to liquefy ores and to dissolve otherwise indissoluble minerals. Saltpeter was used for this purpose at least by the second century BC, as well as acting as a flux to promote metallurgical processes. Since the name Solving-stone goes back to the fourth century BC, it is likely that saltpeter's uses were appreciated then, though they were not specified in surving texts until the second century BC.

Another essential constituent of gunpowder is sulfur, and this too the Chinese were able to purify it before the Second Century BC. With saltpeter, sulfure and the readily available carbon of charcoal and other substances all in Chinese's hands continually, it was for sure that the alchemists would eventually put the three together and stumble upon gunpowder. Indeed, by the third century AD we find evidence that saltpeter and sulfur were being combined in the search for artificial gold and immortality. Though the gunpowder was invented around the Third Century BC, the true gunpowder formula was firstly published in the history around the year 1040 by Tseng Kung-Liang. It was then used in Warfare.
2014-11-12 10:56:33 UTC
Chinese taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. Emperor Wu Di (156-87 B.C.) of the Han dynasty financed research done by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them. The alchemist Wei Boyang wrote the Book of the Kinship of the Three detailing the experiments made by the alchemists.

During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill ins
Swapan S
2008-07-20 20:57:35 UTC
Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance.

The term "black powder" was coined in the late 19th century to distinguish prior gunpowder formulations from the new smokeless powders and semi-smokeless powders.

Black powder is a granular mixture of

a nitrate—typically potassium nitrate (KNO3)—which supplies oxygen for the reaction;

charcoal, which provides fuel for the reaction in the form of carbon (C);

sulfur (S), which, while also a fuel, lowers the temperature of ignition and increases the speed of combustion.

A simple, commonly cited, chemical equation for the combustion of black powder is

2 KNO3 + S + 3 C → K2S + N2 + 3 CO2.

A more accurate, but still simplified, equation is[6]

10 KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C → 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2.

Most sources credit the discovery of gunpowder to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century searching for an elixir of immortality. The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation.

Gunpowder was the first and only known chemical explosive until the invention of others—nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, smokeless powder and TNT in the 19th century. However, prior to the invention of gunpowder, many incendiary and burning devices had been used, including Greek fire.

The prevailing academic consensus is that gunpowder was discovered in the 9th century by Chinese alchemists searching for an elixir of immortality.
2014-11-03 05:28:23 UTC
During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its advantage as a weapon was made clear.

The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.

2008-07-20 14:44:12 UTC
Black powder was first made in China over a thousand years ago. History Channel has an excellent program on the topic. Basically, that compound is made of saltpeter (potasssium nitrate), sulfur and charcoal. The three are combined, moistened and allowed to dry. The compound will cake. Then it's ground and the granules carefully graded. The finer the granule, the faster it burns. It's sold to sportsmen by the pound. The finest grade is "four-F". It's used to prime flintlock muskets. Then "three-F" is for weapons of .32 caliber or smaller, "two-F" is generally for .36 caliber to .58 caliber (and is also known as "rifle/shotgun powder" and "1-F" for small cannons. There is also "cannon powder" in which the size of the granules ranges from (visually) the size of a grain of rice to the size of a kernel of popcorn. The popcorn-size powder is for very large bore cannon - six inch or bigger. The biggest black powder cannon ever cast in the United States was a 25-inch Colombiad - actually, two were cast - during the American Civil War - neither piece was ever fired in anger.

Would've been quite a "BOOM!" 'cause a single shot would've required more than a hundred pounds of powder!
2008-07-20 10:54:16 UTC
Gunpowder was the first and only known chemical explosive until the invention of others—nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, smokeless powder and TNT in the 19th century. However, prior to the invention of gunpowder, many incendiary and burning devices had been used, including Greek fire.

The prevailing academic consensus is that gunpowder was discovered in the 9th century by Chinese alchemists searching for an elixir of immortality.The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation. Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD, and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations. A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques.[
2008-07-20 03:00:00 UTC
During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its advantage as a weapon was made clear.

The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes.At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.

Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance. Low explosives produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. The gases produced by burning gunpowder generate enough pressure to propel a bullet, but not enough to destroy the barrel of a firearm. This makes gunpowder less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications, where high explosives such as TNT are preferred.
2014-11-06 14:32:26 UTC
e by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them. The alchemist Wei Boyang wrote the Book of the Kinship of the Three detailing the experiments made by the alchemists.

During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its adv
2008-07-20 20:28:48 UTC
Most sources credit the discovery of gunpowder to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century searching for an elixir of immortality.The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation.Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations.A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques

Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks
kristen h
2008-07-20 15:58:44 UTC
Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance. Low explosives produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. The gases produced by burning gunpowder generate enough pressure to propel a bullet, but not enough to destroy the barrel of a firearm. This makes gunpowder less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications, where high explosives such as TNT are preferred.
2008-07-20 11:21:15 UTC
The Chinese invented it. Going for research.

Gunpowder - History of Gunpowder

Alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. - 20k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

Gunpowder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a b Hassan, Ahmad Y. "Gunpowder Composition for Rockets and Cannon in Arabic Military Treatises In Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries". History of Science ... - 115k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

History of gunpowder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder, James Riddick Partington describes Indian rockets, mines and other means of gunpowder warfare: [59] ... - 115k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

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Silk road trade: history of gunpowder

Silk Road trade: History of Gunpowder. Merchants braved the crossing of Mountains and deserts to bring gunpowder West along the Silk Road, changing the face ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

Gunpowder Facts and History

Black powder is used as a propellant for bullets, as well as for fireworks and rocketry. Learn how gunpowder works and a bit about its history. - 22k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

History of Fireworks ::

The history of fireworks goes back thousands of years to China during the Han dynasty (~200 B.C.), even long before gunpowder was invented. ... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter


Without a propellant the gun could not have been born, so we must first look at the story of gunpowder, the sole propellant in use up to the 19th century. ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

Writer's Guide to Guns: History of Gunpowder

Who first invented, or found, gunpowder is not known. Looking at the history of innovation, it is most likely gunpowder was invented in China about the year ... - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

BBC - History - The Gunpowder Plot

British History - Civil War and Revolution, ... The Gunpowder Plot has it all. Why were Catholics so bitter, and what did they hope to ... - 27k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter

Book results for History of gunpowder

A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder - by JR James Riddick Partington - 424 pages

Gunpowder Explosives And the State: A ... - by Brenda J Buchanan - 464 pages

Gunpowder: Alchemy Bombards and Pyrotechnics ... - by Jack Kelly - 280 pages

News archive results for History of gunpowder

1864 » FROM HAVRE DE GRACE.; Gunpowder Bridge Probably not Burnt Further ... - New York Times

1870 » Gunpowder and Dynamite Blasting. - Manufacturer and builder

1904 » GUNPOWDER.; The Discovery and History of Explosive Powders and ... - New York Times
2008-07-20 10:40:59 UTC
Like the idea of zero, gunpowder developed gradually over time. In 142 AD, during the Han Dynasty, a man named Wei Boyang was the first to write anything about gunpowder. He wrote about a mixture of three powders that would "fly and dance" violently. We aren't sure that he meant gunpowder, but that's the only explosive that uses three ingredients that we know of. He may have been a Taoist trying to find a potion to let you live forever.
2008-07-20 11:49:34 UTC
Check the Wikipedia site. There's loads of stuff there

Gunpowder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal ... The Origins of Gunpowder. Cannons and Gunpowder. Oare Gunpowder Works, Kent, UK ... - 116k - Cached
2008-07-19 23:36:06 UTC
Gunpowder was invented in China not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives, but by alchemists seeking the elixir of immortality. Ancient Chinese alchemists believed that by putting different elements in a big pot and heat it over a long period of time, 50+ years, there's a possibility that they can create an element which can led to immority. Before Gunpowder can be developed, first it was necessary to recognize and obtain the most important of its three ingredients. This is saltpeter, the chemical name for which is potassium nitrate. It generally forms natural deposits only in hot climates there is a considerable shortagte of it in Europe. Long before anyone had any idea that saltpeter could be used as an ingredient of the then still unknown gunpowder mixture, it was prized for its ability to liquefy ores and to dissolve otherwise indissoluble minerals. Saltpeter was used for this purpose at least by the second century BC, as well as acting as a flux to promote metallurgical processes. Since the name Solving-stone goes back to the fourth century BC, it is likely that saltpeter's uses were appreciated then, though they were not specified in surving texts until the second century BC.

Another essential constituent of gunpowder is sulfur, and this too the Chinese were able to purify it before the Second Century BC. With saltpeter, sulfure and the readily available carbon of charcoal and other substances all in Chinese's hands continually, it was for sure that the alchemists would eventually put the three together and stumble upon gunpowder. Indeed, by the third century AD we find evidence that saltpeter and sulfur were being combined in the search for artificial gold and immortality. Though the gunpowder was invented around the Third Century BC, the true gunpowder formula was firstly published in the history around the year 1040 by Tseng Kung-Liang. It was then used in Warfare.
2008-07-20 09:41:22 UTC
Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance. Low explosives produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. The gases produced by burning gunpowder generate enough pressure to propel a bullet, but not enough to destroy the barrel of a firearm. This makes gunpowder less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications, where high explosives such as TNT are preferred
2008-07-19 22:13:23 UTC
Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Most sources credit the discovery of gunpowder to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century searching for an elixir of immortality. The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation. Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations. A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques.

The first reference to gunpowder is probably a passage in the Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe, a Taoist text tentatively dated to the mid-800s
miyuki & kyojin
2008-07-20 12:01:07 UTC
The origin of gunpowder is controversial. The Chinese had it early, but not as early as some people think, and they used it fro fireworks in festivals, not in guns. Roger Bacon is thought to have made some in the 13th Century in Europe. Firelock guns were common in the 14th Century in Europe. A good refernce is a book titled "The Age of Firearms". I have a copy, and the local library does too.
2008-07-19 23:13:51 UTC
Gunpowder or black powder is of great historical importance in chemistry. Although it can explode, its principal use is as a propellant. Gunpowder was invented by Chinese alchemists in the 9th century. Originally, it was made by mixing elemental sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). The charcoal traditionally came from the willow tree, but grapevine, hazel, elder, laurel, and pine cones have all been used. Charcoal is not the only fuel that can be used. Sugar is used instead in many pyrotechnic applications.
2008-07-20 16:58:16 UTC
The first pyrotechnics were made in china. Composed of potassiun nitrate, sulfur and carbon.It was composed of about equal parts of each element at one time, but different combinations create stronger reactions.Everyone turns to sites these days, but to really get info I suggest you get a book on history of pyrotecnics from a library, or buy one at B.Dalton, or whatever book sellers are near you.As an added bit, Potassium nitrate(kno3) can be found under animal dung, especially in cattle dung. When the cow poop dries, the potassium leaches out and collects on the underside. Sulfur has to be mined, usually near old volcano sites, and carbon, from burning materials. Glass , antimony, and many other elements are added to gunpowder, such as antimony sulfide, so thee is no one formula for the material. coloring agents are added to make fireworks such as magnesiun nitrate. .
peter t
2008-07-20 12:58:21 UTC
The prevailing academic consensus is that gunpowder was discovered in the 9th century by Chinese alchemists searching for an elixir of immortality.[2] The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation.[3] Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD, and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations.[4] A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques.[3]

The first reference to gunpowder is probably a passage in the Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe (真元妙道要略), a Taoist text tentatively dated to the mid-800s:[3]

The Chinese Invention of Gunpowder

The Chinese Invention of Gunpowder, Explosives, and Artillery and Their Impact ... Get Black Powder War (Temeraire, Book 3) from ...


Gunpowder - History of Gunpowder

Alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. ... Chinese taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. ... - Cached - More from this site

WEB RESULTSWujing Zongyao, 1st Record Gunpowder - Timeline Index

The "Wujing Zongyao" (literally "Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques") was the first book in ... Inventions. More. Invention of Gunpowder ... - Cached - More from this site

Clever-Lazy by Joan Bodger

Certainly her inventions, including gunpowder, are all from that time and place. ... [Clever-Lazy's] invention of gunpowder, and the need to keep it out of the hands ... - Cached - More from this site
2008-07-20 06:08:40 UTC
The Chinese Taoist alchemists were the first to make gun powder under Emperor Wu Di (156-87B.C.) who thought this was the secret of life. The alchemists then mixed sulfur and saltpeter by heating them. In the eight ((8) century sulfur, saltpeter were combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huayao or gunpowder. The gun powder was used to treat skin diseases and an a fumigant
2008-07-20 18:59:58 UTC
Ancient Chinese people were the true pyre tec.The early form of explosion came from animal fats skin and organic waste.Then by a mistake a minor searching for source of heat.Came accross a piece flint rock fell down in coal shaft created a spark.Ooh the man needed more went to top of volcano collected suffer bast carefully blend.The rest is history 4July.
Tiger Toy
2008-07-20 09:07:21 UTC
Dear Ely,

I see that your question has been partially answered by others. You have been given the ratio of charcoal, sulfur and salt petre (potassium nitrate) and a creditable history of its discovery in China and/or India.

The Chinese did not discover its weapons potential before the formula migrated along the "silk road" to the middle east. From there, gunpowder migrated to Europe. By the way, that particular substance is known today as black powder. However, Asian uses included firecrackers and rockets. Historians believe that its use began in Biblical times. Europeans improved on the original formula and began using it in weapons.

The Halhed translation of "Gentoo Laws" indicates that it was forbidden to make war with "any deceitful machine, or with poisoned weapons, or with cannon and guns or any kind of firearms." It is believed that the word firearms in this situation means both guns and fire arrows.

The early use of black powder in weapons is murky. For instance, while it is generally believed that it was first used in cannons, it is possible that it was used earlier in hand weapons. Roger Bacon described black powder in 1267. But other records indicate that knowledge of it was in Europe as early as the fifth century. Early European weapons were often named after flying creatures, either birds or mythical ones like the basilisk.

Modern gunpowder is called smokeless powder. It develops much less smoke when burning than does black powder and is less likely to cause corrosion in gun barrels. Smokeless powder is basically cellulose nitrate. M. Vielle produced the first practical formula for smokeless powder. The French Army adopted its use sometime around 1886. Its faster combustion speed allowed for a faster, smaller bullet. Copper cartridges were in general use by that time. The general change from black to smokeless powder began about two years later. The increase in bullet speed allowed reduction in bullet size.

The British discovered that smokeless powder could be gelatinized with nitro-glycerine. That discovery has been the standard for weapons powder to date.

Tiger Toy
Sfc Army Dog
2008-07-20 01:39:06 UTC
Gunpowder was first made in China.Google the origin of gunpowder.
2014-12-11 02:48:29 UTC
how to remove it on your skin
2014-11-04 12:32:04 UTC
gunpowder filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The
Tom Cat
2008-07-20 07:48:44 UTC
Easy! Type "Gunpowder" on the search engines i.e Google/Yahoo. The wikepedia usually has all the answers you need. I am a bit suspicious of your intentions though! I am not telling you more than you can find for yourself.
2008-07-20 08:31:57 UTC
his was done in China and of course found by accident.they were mixing different combinations of know powders together and when it flashed they were intrigued.they found that they could produce noise if wrapped in a paper tightly than discovered rockets. they considered gunpowder as an amusement more than a weapon.
2008-07-19 23:43:59 UTC
Most sources credit the discovery of gunpowder to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century searching for an elixir of immortality. The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation. Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations. A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques.

The first reference to gunpowder is probably a passage in the Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe, a Taoist text tentatively dated to the mid-800s:

Some have heated together sulfur, realgar and saltpeter with honey; smoke and flames result, so that their hands and faces have been burnt, and even the whole house where they were working burned down.

Contrary to popular belief, the Chinese did not use gunpowder only for fireworks. In fact, the earliest surviving recipes for gunpowder can be found in the Chinese military treatise Wujing zongyao of 1044 AD, which contains three: two for use in incendiary bombs to be thrown by siege engines and one intended as fuel for poison smoke bombs. The formulas in the Wujing zongyao range from 27 to 50 percent nitrate. Experimenting with different levels of saltpetre content eventually produced bombs, grenades, and land mines, in addition to giving fire arrows a new lease on life. By the end of the 12th century, there were cast iron grenades filled with gunpowder formulations capable of bursting through their metal containers. The 14th century Huolongjing contains gunpowder recipes with nitrate levels ranging from 12 to 91 percent, six of which approach the theoretical composition for maximal explosive force.

In China, the 13th century saw the beginnings of rocketry and the manufacture of the oldest gun still in existence, a descendant of the earlier fire-lance, a gunpowder-fueled flamethrower that could shoot shrapnel along with fire. The Huolongjing text of the 14th century also describes hollow, gunpowder-packed exploding cannonballs.


Chinese taoist alchemists were the major force behind the early invention of gunpowder. Emperor Wu Di (156-87 B.C.) of the Han dynasty financed research done by the alchemists on the secrets of eternal life. The alchemists experimented with the sulphur and saltpeter heating the substances in order to transform them. The alchemist Wei Boyang wrote the Book of the Kinship of the Three detailing the experiments made by the alchemists.

During the 8th century Tang dynasty, sulphur and saltpeter were first combined with charcoal to create an explosive called huoyao or gunpowder. A substance that did not encourage eternal life, however, gunpowder was used to treat skin diseases and as a fumigant to kill insects before its advantage as a weapon was made clear.

The Chinese began experimenting with the gunpowder filled tubes. At some point, they attached bamboo tubes to arrows and launched them with bows. Soon they discovered that these gunpowder tubes could launch themselves just by the power produced from the escaping gas. The true rocket was born.
2008-07-20 18:06:16 UTC
the Chinese accidentally invented it when saltpeter and other minerals in bricks were heated in cooking ovens with explosive results eventually they caught on and harnessed the power of gunpowder
2008-07-20 19:26:11 UTC
First gun powder was made by the Chinese. Made by salt peter and something else I fogot what? Maybe sulpher.

This will give you a start.
2008-07-20 11:41:50 UTC
2008-07-19 22:40:27 UTC
China made the first gun powder but orginally they were in search for a mixture of things that would grant immortality

to see more go to wikipedia
Kristi (:
2008-07-20 09:30:02 UTC
i did a project on china in 6th grade......the chinese first used gunpowder
rodolfo l
2008-07-19 22:24:20 UTC
Gunpowder can be made from sorts of combustible powders and you can try to research on the encyclopedia for informations.
2008-07-20 19:47:11 UTC
invented by the chinese, a mix of charcoal, sulfer and saltpeter(potassium nitrate) try "a history of chinese warfare" and taking a course in chemistry.
2008-07-20 20:06:46 UTC
China was the creator, they used it to create the firework
2008-07-20 14:54:40 UTC
Try wikipedia
Carrie L
2008-07-20 14:37:34 UTC
china and the first guns where made in czechslovokia
2008-07-20 18:14:06 UTC
Google will tell you all you need to know about making gun powder. Buy why do you want to make GP?
2008-07-20 10:29:30 UTC
Those chineses make everything first
2008-07-20 00:34:53 UTC
Gunpowder History
2008-07-19 21:33:42 UTC
1st by China

they used sulpher+saltpeter+charcoal
2008-07-19 22:19:25 UTC
Just know enough that china did first then it was inported into europe.

Oklahoma cave monkey
2008-07-20 12:16:08 UTC
cct rep
2008-07-20 08:08:18 UTC
the explosive was first invented by the chinese but alfred nobel was the first to use it as gun powder
2008-07-20 13:16:13 UTC
definitely the is a site that may help you:
2008-07-20 08:54:13 UTC
try it on google you will find it easily or you can also find out some websites on google related to this.
2008-07-20 03:33:15 UTC
haha, sounds like someone is trying to make something! yeah just search google.
2008-07-19 23:39:58 UTC
Let me just direct you to this has the me.
2008-07-20 07:00:42 UTC
2008-07-20 09:54:49 UTC
i believe it was china
Convergent Thinker!!!!
2008-07-19 21:49:51 UTC
check it here--
2008-07-20 12:26:36 UTC
invented by the chinese!!!
2008-07-20 02:42:51 UTC
no help from be bro
Gears of Halo 3
2008-07-19 23:04:36 UTC
check the internet they have info there
Brittney H
2008-07-19 22:14:45 UTC
first invented by Chinese.
2008-07-20 15:05:28 UTC
2008-07-20 09:12:45 UTC
"Black powder is and isn't hard to make depending on which end you look at it from. It is a long and tiresome task if you make more than ten pounds at a time.

"Out on the West Coast, as in some southern states, the trend by the government is to prevent its sale with mountains of red tape. Making your own black powder, however, is not unlawful as yet, as far as I know."

"By weight measure, black powder is made of seventy-five parts saltpeter finely ground, fifteen parts charcoal, and ten parts sulfur. All ingredients must be fine ground separately. This can be accomplished with either a mortar and pestle, or with a hand-cranked flour mill. Never mix all three ingredients before grinding unless you want to turn your mill into a deadly grenade, or your mortar into a cannon that can blow off your fingers or even your hand."

"Then the ingredients can be mixed with a small amount of water so the mixture comes out with biscuit-dough consistency. Usually when I mix the ingredients, I add just enough stale urine to make the batch bunch about like biscuit dough. The urine, substituted for water, gives the powder more oxygen and higher performance."

"Flowers of sulfur is ideal for gun powder, and it can be bought in most drug stores in four-ounce bottles or pound cans."

"It can also be found in pure deposits around volcanoes, and in early times, because it was found where molten lava issued from the earth, the sulfur condensed around the rims of the volcanoes was called brimstone."

"Today, in certain places around the world, sulfur is recovered from un- derground deposits by pumping live steam underground through pipes. The sulfur melts and, being lighter than water, is easily pumped out at another point close by. Then it is pumped into big ships that haul it to industries all over the world. That's why you can buy a hundred-pound sack for about three dollars in most places.

"Saltpeter, the chemical that produces the oxygen for the other ingredients when lit off, can he made by putting urine and manure of any kind in a big cement tank mixed with water until you have about three hundred gallons mixed up. Then you put on a tight lid and let it sit for about ten months. You have to have a drain pipe and valve at the bottom, and a stainless steel filter screen installed beforehand or you'll have one big mess on your hands. At the end of that time, you run the liquid that drains off through ashes into shallow wooden trays lined with plastic sheeting and let them stand for evaporation in the sun. When the water evaporates, potassium nitrate crystals (saltpeter) will form in the bottom of the trays."

"In the old days in cities, most outhouses were fitted with trays or drawers under the seats that could be pulled out from behind the building. They had night-soil collectors who were paid so much every month by the outhouse owners to keep those drawers emptied, and they'd come around with a special wagon into which they dumped the contents. When the wagon was full, it was hauled out to where another fellow bought the contents and dumped it into concrete tanks where the bacteria works it just like yeast works wine or bread dough. Then the liquid was run through ashes into shallow tiled or plain concrete evaporating trays or basins to recover the saltpeter."

"Today, saltpeter can also he bought in most drug stores in bottles or cans."

"Charcoal provides the carbon needed when the powder is lit off. When burning, the carbon assists in making potassium carbonates and carbon sulfates during the one one hundredth of a second that it is burning. Most of this is released at the muzzle of a smoke pole in the form of powder smoke. Some remains in the barrel in the form of fouling and should be swabbed out about every third shot if the shooter wants the round ball to continue to shoot true."

"The charcoal should never be made from hardwood as hardwood has too much ash. Such woods as chinaberry, willow, cottonwood, soft pine with no knots, or redwood and Western cedar make the best grade charcoal. A fifty-five-gallon drum with a snap-on lid and a match-stem-sized hole in the lid set over a fire Pit is a good charcoal maker. Take the wood and chip it or cut it into inch chunks and put a bucketful in the drum. Then build a hardwood fire under the drum and when smoke begins to spurt from the vent, light the wood with a match. When the flame goes out, your charcoal is made. Rake the fire out from under the drum, plug the vent with a bit of asbestos fiber or a nail that fits in tight, and let the drum sit overnight to cook. You can then crush and powder the charcoal with a mortar and pestle, or run it through a hand-cranked grain grinder to a flourlike fineness. "

"By the way, Just yesterday I took time out and made batch of powder, and this time, when I mixed the ingredients, I added homemade alder charcoal instead of redwood and improved the powder's performance 100 per cent. I recently bought a tight little sheet-metal heater stove for camp cooking and by accident discovered that getting a load of alder going good and then closing it UP tight and dampering it until it went out and turned cold converted the alder into nice pure charcoal. "

"When making black powder, never add any other ingredients or explosive powders unless you wish to turn your muzzle loader into a grenade that can kill you or cripple you for life. Keep your black powder stored in steel, airtight cans in a cool, dry place, and out of the reach of children. My parents failed to do that, and I've carried powder marks on my face for the last thirty years. A ten-year-old may think he knows what he's doing, but ten years don't give him enough prudence to think many things out ahead of time before he lights that match."

"The nice thing about shooting black powder is that commercial black costs about two cents a round, and homemade about a half-cent a round. "

As the demand for powder grew in the Southern Appalachians, fairly large operations came into being for its manufacture. As Jim Moran told us, "Powder was made in this area. The big powder mill that was around here is gone now--the place burned up and all. But it was on Boozy Creek, and it was operated back in the early 1800s and possibly before by the Hughes family. They were also gunsmiths. They were somehow connected with the blockhouse which was on the Wilderness Road. That was where Boone wintered after his son was bushwhacked on the Wilderness Road. Now that was quite a settlement around there. One winter I went up on Timbertree Branch near the blockhouse site and there were about ten or fifteen cabins around there made out of poplar logs. They were only about twelve feet square--didn't have any windows or anything in them. I think they were the residue of that holdup of immigration when those people got that far and they were afraid to go on. I went back over there about five years ago, but there's none of that left there now."

"But these Hughes, they ground that powder on millstones. I found that out. I know one man who found the old order book for the powder mill. He had it photostated. That mill blew up twice. One time they found shoe tacks in the charcoal. The story was that it was sabotaged. One time it blew a fellow's hand off."

"Willow charcoal is what they used for the powder. And then saltpeter- you know you hear about saltpeter caves. Over around Saltville they've found a lot of the vats and stuff where they leached that out from bat guano. That was done during the Civil War. In fact, they've uncovered one of those caves in the last ten years or so and found the vats still intact in the cave. That's Saltville, which is about thirty-five or forty miles north of here. And the same thing in Big Stone Gap. Powder for the Battle of King's Mountain was made on Powder Branch near Erwin, Tennessee."

Another of these operations was located in Mammoth Cave. Recently, in a remarkable experiment there, potassium nitrate crystals from saltpeter were produced again in the traditional method. Carol A. Hill, one of the coordinators for the Saltpeter Research Group, describes the procedure that was used that day:

"Before the 187Os, caves were the primary source of nitrate used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Saltpeter mining was one of the first major industries of the new frontier, and one of the principle objectives of exploring new territory was to find saltpeter caves. Caves were mined by individuals and also commercially for national defense purposes during the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. Many homesteaders in the Virginias, Kentucky, and Tennessee had their own individual saltpeter caves and from them would make their own gunpowder in home-constructed V-vats or 'hoppers.'

Making a V-vat entailed using a peg-and-hole construction. The holes were made with a hand auger; the pegs by whittling down the end of a log with a hatchet and then by trimming with a knife . The frame was then pounded together with a wooden mallet . A froe was used to make the side boards. Bolts of wood that were straight-grained and well seasoned were the best for this purpose. The glut was used as a wedge to split the log base of the collecting trough. The trough was then hewn out with a foot adze and hatchet. After the hopper was constructed, twigs were laid in the bottom of the vat, and then wheat straw was laid on top of the twigs and along the side boards to help keep the vat from leaking.

"Cave dirt was tested for its nitrate potential by the following procedure: A footprint or mark was made in the dirt and left for twenty-four hours. If the print was scarcely visible by the next day, then the dirt was deem
2008-07-20 01:07:58 UTC
Gunpowder is a pyrotechnic composition, an explosive mixture of sulfur, charcoal and potassium nitrate (also known as saltpetre/saltpeter) that burns rapidly, producing volumes of hot solids and gases which can be used as a propellant in firearms and fireworks.

Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance. Low explosives produce a subsonic deflagration wave rather than the supersonic detonation wave produced by brisants, or high explosives. The gases produced by burning gunpowder generate enough pressure to propel a bullet, but not enough to destroy the barrel of a firearm. This makes gunpowder less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications, where high explosives such as TNT are preferred.

Contents [hide]

1 Gunpowder (black powder)

1.1 Advantages

1.2 Disadvantages

1.3 Transportation

2 Sulfur-free gunpowder

3 History

3.1 China

3.2 Islamic world

3.3 Europe

3.4 Britain

3.5 India

3.6 United States

4 Manufacturing technology

5 Other uses

6 See also

7 Notes

8 References

9 External links

[edit] Gunpowder (black powder)

The term "black powder" was coined in the late 19th century to distinguish prior gunpowder formulations from the new smokeless powders and semi-smokeless powders. (Semi-smokeless powders featured bulk volume properties that approximated black powder in terms of chamber pressure when used in firearms, but had significantly reduced amounts of smoke and combustion products; they ranged in color from brownish tan to yellow to white. Most of the bulk semi-smokeless powders ceased to be manufactured in the 1920's.)[1][2][3]

Black powder is a granular mixture of

a nitrate—typically potassium nitrate (KNO3)—which supplies oxygen for the reaction;

charcoal, which provides fuel for the reaction in the form of carbon (C);

sulfur (S), which, while also a fuel, lowers the temperature of ignition and increases the speed of combustion.

Potassium nitrate is the most important ingredient in terms of both bulk and function because the combustion process releases oxygen from the potassium nitrate, promoting the rapid burning of the other ingredients.[4] To reduce the likelihood of accidental ignition by static electricity, the granules of modern black powder are typically coated with graphite, which prevents the build-up of electrostatic charge.

The current standard composition for black powder manufactured by pyrotechnicians was adopted as long ago as 1780. It is 75% potassium nitrate, 15% softwood charcoal, and 10% sulfur.[5] These ratios have varied over the centuries, and by country, but can be altered somewhat depending on the purpose of the powder.

The burn rate of black powder can be changed by corning. Corning first compresses the fine black powder meal into blocks with a fixed density (1.7 g/cm³). The blocks are then broken up into granules. These granules are then sorted by size to give the various grades of black powder. In the USA, standard grades of black powder run from the coarse Fg grade used in large bore rifles and small cannon though FFg (medium and smallbore rifles), FFFg (pistols), and FFFFg (smallbore, short pistols and priming flintlocks). In the United Kingdom, the gunpowder grains are categorised by mesh size: the BSS sieve mesh size, being the smallest mesh size on which no grains were retained. Recognised grain sizes are Gunpowder 'G 7', 'G 20', 'G 40', and 'G 90'.

A simple, commonly cited, chemical equation for the combustion of black powder is

2 KNO3 + S + 3 C → K2S + N2 + 3 CO2.

A more accurate, but still simplified, equation is[6]

10 KNO3 + 3 S + 8 C → 2 K2CO3 + 3 K2SO4 + 6 CO2 + 5 N2.

The products of burning do not follow any simple equation. One study's results showed that it produced (in order of descending quantities): 55.91% solid products: potassium carbonate, potassium sulfate, potassium sulfide, sulfur, potassium nitrate, potassium thiocyanate, carbon, ammonium carbonate. 42.98% gaseous products: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, methane, 1.11% water.

Black powder formulations where the nitrate used is sodium nitrate tend to be hygroscopic, unlike black powders where the nitrate used is saltpetre. Because of this, black powder which uses saltpetre can be stored unsealed and remain viable for centuries provided no liquid water is ever introduced; muzzleloaders have been known to fire after hanging on a wall for decades in a loaded state, provided they remained dry. By contrast, powder that uses sodium nitrate, which is typically intended for blasting, must be sealed from moisture in the air to remain stable for long times.

[edit] Advantages

Smokeless powder requires precise loading of the charge to prevent damage due to overloading. With black powder, though such damage is still possible, loading can generally be carried out using volumetric measures rather than precise weight.

Generally, high explosives are preferred for shattering rock; however, because of its low brisance, black powder causes fewer fractures and results in more usable stone compared to other explosives, making black powder useful for blasting monumental stone such as granite and marble.

Black powder is well suited for blank rounds, signal flares, burst charges, and rescue-line launches.

Gunpowder can be used to make fireworks by mixing with chemical compounds that produce the desired color.

[edit] Disadvantages

Black powder has relatively low energy density compared to modern smokeless powders and produces a thick smoke that can impair aiming and reveal a shooter's position.

Combustion converts less than half the mass of black powder to gas; the rest ends up as a thick layer of soot inside the barrel. In addition to being a nuisance, the residue from burnt black powder is hygroscopic and an anhydrous caustic substance. When moisture from the air is absorbed, the potassium oxide or sodium oxide turns into hydroxide, which will corrode wrought iron or steel gun barrels. Black powder arms must be well cleaned both inside and out to remove the residue.

[edit] Transportation

The UN Model Regulations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and national transportation authorities, such as United States Department of Transportation, have classified Gunpowder (black powder) as a Group A: Primary explosive substance for shipment because it ignites so easily. Complete manufactured devices containing black powder are usually classified as Group D: Secondary detonating substance, or black powder, or article containing secondary detonating substance, such as "Firework", "Class D Model Rocket Engine", etc, for shipment because they are harder to ignite than loose powder. As explosives, they all fall into the category of Class 1.

[edit] Sulfur-free gunpowder

The development of smokeless powders, such as Cordite, in the late 19th century created the need for a spark-sensitive priming charge, such as gunpowder. However, the sulfur content of traditional gunpowders caused corrosion problems with Cordite Mk I and this led to the introduction of a range of sulfur-free gunpowders, of varying grain sizes.[7] They typically contain 70.5 parts of saltpetre and 29.5 parts of charcoal.[7] Like black powder, they were produced in different grain sizes. In United Kingdom, the finest grain was known as sulfur-free mealed powder (SMP). Coarser grains were numbered as sulfur-free gunpowder (SFG n): 'SFG 12', 'SFG 20', 'SFG 40' and 'SFG 90', for example, where the number was a BSS sieve mesh size, being the smallest mesh size on which no grains were retained.

[edit] History

Main article: History of gunpowder

[edit] China

A Mongol bomb thrown against a charging Japanese samurai during the Mongol invasions of Japan, 1281.Most sources credit the discovery of gunpowder to Chinese alchemists in the 9th century searching for an elixir of immortality.[8] The discovery of gunpowder was probably the product of centuries of alchemical experimentation.[9] Saltpetre was known to the Chinese by the mid-1st century AD and there is strong evidence of the use of saltpetre and sulfur in various largely medicinal combinations.[10] A Chinese alchemical text from 492 noted that saltpeter gave off a purple flame when ignited, providing for the first time a practical and reliable means of distinguishing it from other inorganic salts, making it possible to evaluate and compare purification techniques.[9]

The first reference to gunpowder is probably a passage in the Zhenyuan miaodao yaolüe, a Taoist text tentatively dated to the mid-800s:[9]

Some have heated together sulfur, realgar and saltpeter with honey; smoke and flames result, so that their hands and faces have been burnt, and even the whole house where they were working burned down.[11]

Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) matchlock firearmsContrary to popular belief, the Chinese did not use gunpowder only for fireworks. In fact, the earliest surviving recipes for gunpowder can be found in the Chinese military treatise Wujing zongyao[9] of 1044 AD, which contains three: two for use in incendiary bombs to be thrown by siege engines and one intended as fuel for poison smoke bombs.[12] The formulas in the Wujing zongyao range from 27 to 50 percent nitrate.[13] Experimenting with different levels of saltpetre content eventually produced bombs, grenades, and land mines, in addition to giving fire arrows a new lease on life.[9] By the end of the 12th century, there were cast iron grenades filled with gunpowder formulations capable of bursting through their metal containers.[14] The 14th century Huolongjing contains gunpowder recipes with nitrate levels ranging from 12 to 91 percent, six of which approach the theoretical composition for maximal explosive force.[1

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.