1 - it only happened 9 years ago, we still remember the people dieing. And for those that lost family members... Well how would you feel if your dad were covered in jet fuel on fire and jumped twenty-two stories just to end it?
#2 - The war - they are still using 9/11 as reason to send our friends into battle.
#3 - It scared the living **** out of people when it happened. Most people thought that was the beginning of a battle here which is why the war was supported in the first place.
#4 - The government has done everything in their power to maintain the fear it instilled. They even made a color coding system to let us know how in danger we are everyday. Granted most people have seen through it, but it still sucks.
#5 - Nothing in our country has been the same since... It is really sad. The economy is dieing, education is dieing, our friends are in a war we know nothing about and they don't talk about, we can't travel without being scared, we hear about how dangerous everything is all the time, there is no tolerance, no peace, no unity... The turning point that we can all place is 9/11.
2000 words is not very much once you start writing. Pick three points you think you can write about, do your intro and your conclusion. I bet with just that you run over. If I were doing it I would break it down to the impact of 9-11 on American Government, the impact on citizens and the impact on the world. So how has the government influenced how we "get over it", citizens to eachother, and how other nations have affected it.