Jim S
2009-07-24 10:36:44 UTC
Last year we registered over 6000 voters, more than any chapter in the state, and helped turn them out to vote. As a result of our strong organizing efforts, we received the “Chapter of The Year” award from the Young Democrats of Georgia. While the political excitement of the presidential election is over, we understand that there is still much to be done. As president this year, I want to keep our group active and inspired. I can’t think of a better Georgian to inspire us than Congressman John Lewis. With his amazing career in public service reaching back to the civil rights movement, he would be the perfect speaker to show us how far we have come in America and to encourage us to keep fighting to make our country even better.
As the first black president of the UGA Young Democrats, I thank Congressmen Lewis for all the work he has done to pave the road for people like me. This year we have one of the most diverse executive boards of any organization at UGA. We are striving to make next year one of the best years in the history of our organization. Our recruitment of over 350 new students this summer is a testament to our hard work and dedication to the Democratic Party. We sincerely hope that Congressman Lewis will accept our invitation.