~ Present tense
He is known as the leader of this group.
~ Past tense
He was known as the leader of this group.
~ Present tense
We (or "people, they, everyone," etc) know him as the leader of this group.
~ Past tense
We (or "people, they, everyone," etc) knew him as the leader of this group.
In the active voice, the person who "knows him" is the subject of the sentence.
In the passive voice, the person who "is known" is used as the subject.
One trick to tell if a sentence is in the passive voice is to add the words "by zombies." If the sentence still works, it is in the passive voice,
> He is known by zombies as the leader of this group. OK - PASSIVE
> We know him by zombies as the leader of this group. NOT OK. ACTIVE
> Everyone knew him as the leader of this group by zombies. ACTIVE
> He was known as the leader of this group by zombies. OK - PASSIVE
Most of the time, a passive sentence has
1) Some form of the verb TO BE
2) The use (stated or implied) of the expression BY (whomever)
> He WAS hated BY everyone who knew him. PASSIVE
> Everyone who knew him hated him. ACTIVE
> The show WAS watched attentively BY the enchanted audience. PASSIVE
> The enchanted audience watched the show attentively. ACTIVE
> Birds ARE hunted BY cats and other predators. PASSIVE
> Cats and other predators hunt birds. ACTIVE